Chapter Eight

The doctor shook, he knew how powerful the Woodson family was and he didn't want to be on their bad list. 

"I'm sorry, was a mistake, the boy was right, maybe I should have listened to him." He explained hastily. 

Clifford sneered, "How would that have made my difference if my father had died? You are worthless!" He snapped. 

The doctor remorsefully kneeled and begged that the family should forgive him, "I had no idea he was so qualified, I didn't know he could cure him." He explained. 

"But you said he knew nothing, you almost stopped him from helping the lord, hell, you made us try to stop him from giving that antidote to the lord." Clifford snapped, ordering him to get up from the floor. 

"Do not waste your breath, you will be dealt with for your carelessness!" The woman snapped. 

The doctor turned to Jeremy and frowned, "I had no idea you had the antidote, I thought that injection I gave him was perfect, please, I sincerely apologize." He said. 

Jeremy ignored him, he had nothing to say to the man, he was pompous and full of himself. 

"No one can help you, you have almost cost us our lord. What do you think would happen if Jeremy did not intervene?" He asked angrily. 

The doctor looked down in shame, he knew that if Jeremy had not intervened, the lord would possibly be dead at that very moment because his heart had been really weak. 

"I would forgive you if you weren't good enough to cure our lord but no, you tried to stop him from curing him too, just to save your dignity, that is unforgivable." Clifford snapped and ordered the guards in the house to take him away. 

Clifford then turned to Jeremy and thanked him for saving the lord's life. "Thank you, Jeremy, I know we did not believe in you, but thank you for helping save the lord's life." He said. 

"I couldn't watch him die." He replied. 

The lord, now recovered, sat up and said, "Thank you, I have never felt so strong, thank you for saving my life." 

Jeremy nodded, glad that the man was fully recovered and Ella was off the hook of the Woodson family. 

"I must let you know that it wasn't Ella's medicine that had worsened the lord's condition." He said and Clifford frowned. 

"But...I...I didn't know that, I thought it was her medicine that had worsened his situation." Clifford argued. 

"Trust me, I'm sure that Ella's medicine could not do any harm like that in such a short time. The lord was poisoned using some ancient African poison, if you asked me, I'd say that it was an attempt to assassinate him." Jeremy explained to the family. 

There was shock clearly on their faces, they'd all thought that Ella was the reason the lord was getting sicker by the day, they'd never expected that it was because he'd been poisoned. 

"We will look into it and make sure that whosoever tried to murder him is fished out," he promised. "I'm sorry that we blamed you, we had no idea what had happened, and thank you for bringing him to save our lord, we are forever indebted." 

The lord rose and said to Ella, "We apologize for any trouble we had caused your company in our ignorance, please accept our apologies, hence, all contracts and deals with your pharmaceutical company will resume, we look forward to working with you." He said. Ella smiled and nodded, glad that she'd not only saved her company and family from distress but also brought back the deal with the Woodson family, it was a plus for her. 

"I'm sure our lord would not be alive now if not for your help, for this, you remain a very respectable guest in our home and you are most welcome to the Woodson family, anytime, thank you, Jeremy," Clifford said as they left. 


As Jeremy and Ella left the Woodson home, Ella almost broke down and thanked him, her eyes all teary. "Thank you for saving his life and putting my family out of trouble." She said, grateful. 

"It's all good, I'm glad I could help." He replied. 

"I was so scared in there, I was so scared when I saw the heart monitor begin to slow down, I was almost sure he would die and the Coatas family and our pharmaceutical company would be ruined for life, we would have never been able to recover from such PR damage," Ella admitted with a sad smile, she was very grateful she didn't know how best to express herself. Her eyes were still teary and she had to hold the happiness in. 

"You have no idea, you've just saved my life and my family's name. The Woodson family is very influential and they would not have taken their lord's death kindly. "I'm glad I trusted you enough to find you." She said and he nodded. 

"Now that it's all over, my company has to set up a press conference and a business party to celebrate and also save the company's reputation," she said, "I know that a lot has been going on with the press for the past weeks since the lord become sick, there's nothing like a little party to salvage that." 

Jeremy nodded, "I'm glad your family is out of all that now, and the deal isn't destroyed too." 

"And none of this would have been possible without you, that's why I just invited you to the party, I want you to come too," she said. 

Jeremy shrugged, he had not met the Coatas family for a long time and he wouldn't mind seeing them again. 

"Also, I have a surprise for you when you come to the party, Jeremy." She said, 

Jeremy was curious, he wondered what she had in mind but he nodded in agreement, "I'll see you at the business party."  

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