A Billionaire's Conundrum

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A Billionaire's Conundrum

By: sandora OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 148 views: 6.8K

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A little bit of clay has never hurt any gold. Nathan has lived a life way beneath him for so long, after escaping a demeaning marriage with Isabella Foden, his abusive in-laws, and the claws of the condescending Foden Group, he begins his quest of self-discovery which leads him to many lost allies from the past. He soon builds a strong network with many prestigious families who seek his healing gift, quickly becoming well-known among the elites of the city. However, his status as the poor son-in-law trails him, threatening his new life. A betrothed from the past returns and his enemies grow in number and strength…but little do they know that Nathan has always been a lot more than meets the eyes.

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148 chapters
Chapter One
Jeremy hid a frown as his mother-in-law jerked dramatically, her face twisted in an ugly scowl. "The water is too hot! Do you want to cook my feet?" She snapped at him, irritatedly. Jeremy stood there, he had nothing to say, he'd tested the temperature of the water for her feet wash and it was perfect, he could not understand her fuss.But he could not argue with her, it would have worsened it. "Don't just stand there, get me another!" She angrily ordered him. Jeremy looked at his wristwatch, it was 0:00, midnight hour. He had kept his promise to the Jason family, he had played his part. Three years ago, Jeremy had promised that he would make the family boom, he had made a promise to take the Jason family from their bankrupt state to becoming one of the biggest in the city. It had seemed impossible then but it was exactly three years since he'd made that promise and true to his words, the Jason family had risen to the tier-2 family of the city. His mother-in-law, Pam glared at
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Chapter Two
Rebecca took the divorce agreement and stared at it skeptically, her eyes gazing confusingly at Jeremy. She knew how little he was worth, from what she knew about her husband, he was a nobody feeding off the crumbs that the Jason family could give to him, Immediately, Rebecca thought the divorce was a ploy by Jeremy to get some money from her as alimony. But she was shocked to see from the agreement that he wanted nothing from her. Rebecca's mother, Pam rose from the floor despite her pain, astonished at the sudden turn of events. She eagerly snatched the agreement from Rebecca and read it critically. Seeing that Jeremey demanded nothing from Rebecca, she was pleased and laughed. "You must sign this at once." She stated with a smile. But Rebecca did not see it the way her mother did, she was furious because she believed that Jeremey was attempting to embarrass and humiliate her. Rebecca believed she was the successful one and if there was someone who wanted a divorce, it should b
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Chapter Three
Jeremy ignored the strange man completely and rather glared at Rebecca, upset at her behavior. "We've been together for three years and I have never disrespected you, I did my best for you and your family and now we have scarcely concluded our divorce and you dare to bring this so-called "boyfriend" to our home?" Jeremy scolded, enraged. He shook his head at the duo and warned them, "You are the one who is making a mistake, Rebecca, now get out of my way and do not irritate me any further or I will teach you both a lesson." Rebecca was taken aback by his actions. She had known Jeremy for so long and he had never been so furious nor raised his voice at her despite the harsh attitude she and her mother had towards him, treating him like a servant. What changed him so much? Greg sneered at Jeremy, he felt that he was being challenged. As a rich and successful businessman and with the interest he had in Rebecca, he felt disrespected by the way a mere useless, and worthless son-in-law
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Chapter Four
As the car came to a screeching halt, Jeremy jerked up from the backseat and looked at the men who stood in front of the car, blocking the road. They were gangsters, dressed in fancy clothes and with baseball bats. The driver swore, shaking in his boots at the incident. "Oh my god!" He yelled as the door of the car was kicked open and he was being dragged out. Jeremy sneered as he opened the car and stepped out, he looked at the men as they surrounded the taxi, each with a menacing frown on their face. "Please don't hurt me, please I beg of you, I know nothing, is it money you want?" The driver rambled in fright. The men parted and a largely built man stepped out of their midst. He was thicker than the rest and he had a nasty scar on his chin that must have been badly stitched. He was Rebecca's brother, the notorious Joe. "Please, don't hurt me...I have children I...I.. I have a wife, please!" The driver begged, stumbling over his own words. "You're pathetic," Joe spat at the dri
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Chapter Five
Joe was shaken as he saw the men that came down. He looked at the beautiful girl and her unsmiling face and this frightened him. Some of his men began to drop their bats in cowardice. Even if he was holding a gun, he could not have the balls to shoot it, he wondered who they were and when Jeremy had been able to reach them. They didn't look like the cops he knew in the city. "What do you want here?" He asked but even as he did, his voice broke and he ended up sounding like a scared teen. The men being him all looked ready to flee as they saw the second door open and even more men poured out. Jeremy too was amazed at the site, he could not tell what was going on even as he looked at the girl and her men. "Rebecca is my sister, she is the CEO of the Jason group, you don't want to mess with me or you will have her to contend with." He warned. The girl scoffed and moved away from him like he didn't matter, waving to her men to handle him themselves."My sister's boyfriend is Greg, h
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Chapter Six
Jeremy hissed as Rebecca went on about how she would retaliate and have him regret ever touching Joe. "You must be put in your place, Jeremy! Do you dare touch a Jason? You worthless piece of trash!" She snapped. "Your brother got what he deserved, I have nothing to say to you, goodbye, Becca," Jeremy said casually. "How dare you wave me off! You will pay for this! You wi__" Jeremy hung up promptly, he did not want Rebecca to further ruin his day any more than she had already. Turning to Ella, she sat there, gazing expectantly at him. Jeremy knew he had to help her save Woodson's family, Lord, she had trusted him before coming to find him. "Is there any trouble?" She asked as she saw his frown. Jeremy shook his head,"Not at all, she's insignificant." He replied plainly. He wanted to take his mind off Rebecca completely, "Take me to him." He said and Ella nodded eagerly. ********Ella and Jeremy arrived at the Woodson Family. The drive that usually took twenty-fo
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Chapter Seven
Everyone gasped and remained frozen as his heart became even more faint. His face was becoming blue and the heart monitor was leveling off and quickly straightening out completely. Jeremy could see the fear in Ella's eyes. He knew that if he let the lord of the Woodson family die, Ella would be in big trouble. He moved the doctor aside and went to the lord's bedside. "He's just taken his medicine, you must not disturb him! Move aside, you quack!" The doctor snapped. No one could support him anymore because they saw that the lord was not improving but dying. Checking his pulse, Jeremy knew that the lord had very little time left, his pulse was weaker than he thought and his heart was almost ceasing. "The lord has been poisoned." He told the family. "What? Are you certain? How?" Clifford asked, even though he too was stunned into silence with how much the lord's health had worsened after the shot the doctor gave to him. "Don't panic," Jeremy told everyone as he dug into his poc
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Chapter Eight
The doctor shook, he knew how powerful the Woodson family was and he didn't want to be on their bad list. "I'm sorry, I..it...it was a mistake, the boy was right, maybe I should have listened to him." He explained hastily. Clifford sneered, "How would that have made my difference if my father had died? You are worthless!" He snapped. The doctor remorsefully kneeled and begged that the family should forgive him, "I had no idea he was so qualified, I didn't know he could cure him." He explained. "But you said he knew nothing, you almost stopped him from helping the lord, hell, you made us try to stop him from giving that antidote to the lord." Clifford snapped, ordering him to get up from the floor. "Do not waste your breath, you will be dealt with for your carelessness!" The woman snapped. The doctor turned to Jeremy and frowned, "I had no idea you had the antidote, I thought that injection I gave him was perfect, please, I sincerely apologize." He said. Jeremy ignored him, he h
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Chapter Nine
Ella was glad that Jeremy had taken the invitation, she wanted to appreciate him for how much he'd helped her company and her family. Immediately, she pulled her phone out of her designer handbag and called her secretary to set up a press conference. It was important to address the public on any misconception that would have arisen due to the Woodson family lord's illness. "Hello," Ella said to her secretary, "I need you to convene the press team right away, there will be a press conference tomorrow and after that, we will organize a business party to celebrate this win." She instructed. "I'll send out a message to all shareholders at once." The secretary replied eagerly. "Good, make sure everything is in place." She added. The secretary said she'd get right to it and then Ella hung up. Ella could not wait to get the press conference out of the way and make sure that the family and company's reputation was intact. "I'm so glad you'll show up." She said again, making Jeremy eve
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Chapter Ten
Jeremy frowned at her words but she continued to stare at him with a disgusted frown. "Maybe the security men are not doing their job." She added and nudged the man by her side. The man rolled down the glass even more and looked out at Jeremy, he saw his cheap clothes and was not impressed, too stared condescendingly at him. "You're right, I don't think he is a resident of this estate." The man agreed eagerly. "What are you doing here, Jeremy? You know you don't belong in a place like this." Rebecca's friend said. Jeremy ignored her and walked in but another man from the car called out to him. "Who let you in here? Did you sneak past the securities? I'd advise you to go back or you will be in serious trouble when you're being caught." He advised. "I don't know what you are talking about, I came through the gate, and I was granted permission." Jeremy snapped. The man frowned at him and looked at his outfit again, he didn't quite remember Jeremy's face anyway, he was a salesm
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