Chapter Six

Jeremy hissed as Rebecca went on about how she would retaliate and have him regret ever touching Joe. "You must be put in your place, Jeremy! Do you dare touch a Jason? You worthless piece of trash!" She snapped. 

"Your brother got what he deserved, I have nothing to say to you, goodbye, Becca," Jeremy said casually. 

 "How dare you wave me off! You will pay for this! You wi__" 

Jeremy hung up promptly, he did not want Rebecca to further ruin his day any more than she had already. 

Turning to Ella, she sat there, gazing expectantly at him. Jeremy knew he had to help her save Woodson's family, Lord, she had trusted him before coming to find him. 

"Is there any trouble?" She asked as she saw his frown. Jeremy shook his head,

"Not at all, she's insignificant." He replied plainly. 

He wanted to take his mind off Rebecca completely, "Take me to him." He said and Ella nodded eagerly. 



Ella and Jeremy arrived at the Woodson Family. The drive that usually took twenty-four minutes was covered in less than fifteen because of the speed the driver used. Ella knew the emergency was at hand and that it was her duty to save the lord of the family. 

 A middle-aged man led them to the inner room where the entire family was gathered. On the large king-sized bed laid the lord, a shadow of himself. His cheekbones were protruding, his skin was pale as paper and his breathing was raspy. 

Just as Ella walked in, a man rose to scold her, "You have no sense of shame, do you?! You left the side of the lord and went away while everyone was here to make sure he was well! How more irresponsible could you be? Have you forgotten that you made him this way, you worsened his health and then you ran away, you are incompetent!" He snapped, then turning to see Jeremy, he sneered and asked, "Who the hell is this? What does he want in our family?" 

Ella cowered at the sound of his voice, she did not know what to do, she went to find help but the lord's health had worsened while she was away.

 "I didn't run away, I went to find help." She muttered slowly but another woman rose to scold her too, telling her to fix their lord. 

"I came with a doctor." She said and moved aside to introduce Jeremy. 

The first man that spoke, Clifford, sneered at her, "This inexperienced boy? What could he possibly know about curing someone with this sort of illness? Do you think this is just a common flu?" He spat. 

 "We can never let him touch our lord, we've found a qualified doctor to take care of him." The woman retorted almost at the same time. 

Jeremy was shocked at their outburst, they didn't even bother to ask who he was or where he got his training, they simply waved him off. 

Ella stood, confused and terrified at the lord's condition, she knew Jeremy was capable and wished they would let him try but they had their mind made up. 

"Do not think for a second that we will let you get away with this, we will make you and your family pay for this, once our lord is better, you will be severely punished, I can assure you that." The woman added.

 "Of course, she is not getting away! Did you believe that you would? After what you've done to our lord? We're just waiting for him to get well, once he's awake, you will be punished." Clifford agreed.  

Ella became afraid, she did not know what to do anymore, she'd hoped that Jeremy would fix the lord and that would settle it, but apparently, she was still going to face their wrath. 

Jeremy saw how troubled Ella was, he could see the fear in her eyes. He decided to get to work, he moved to the bedside of the lord, and looked closely at him, he frowned and said, "It will not be easy to cure him, his situation is rather critical." He observed. 

The older doctor which the family had brought laughed and pushed him aside, taking his place by the lord's bedside. 

 "Get out of my way and stop being a distraction, what would you know about medicine boy?" The doctor mocked and opened his surgical box. 

 "His situation is critical." Jeremy insisted but the doctor glared at him. 

 "Quit talking nonsense, you don't know a thing about health, now move aside and let the qualified doctor do his job." Clifford snapped at him. 

The doctor rummaged through the box and brought out a syringe and needle, then he fed in syrup from a tiny bottle. He moved the lord's arm and got ready to inject him. 

Jeremy had one look at the syrup bottle and yelled at him abruptly, "Stop! You can't inject him with that, he's not strong enough for the potency of that, it will knock him," he warned. 

The doctor sneered and waved him off like a fly, asking the family to throw up out that he was distracting him. 

 "You heard him, if you say one more thing we will deal with you, shut up and let the doctor do his job," Clifford said. 

Ella could see the doctor taking the needle closer and she also tried to stop him because she knew how strong the medicine was. "Jeremy is right, he can not withstand that injection," 

"He needs something else, if you give that shot to him, it might kill him," Jeremy said.  

"That's enough! One more word from you and I will make you regret coming here, warn your quack, Ella," Clifford snapped. 

Ella and Jeremy kept mute and let the doctor do his job. 

However, less than a minute after the injection, the lord's heart rate plummeted and the heart monitor flattened, everyone panicked. 

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