Chapter Three

Jeremy ignored the strange man completely and rather glared at Rebecca, upset at her behavior. 

"We've been together for three years and I have never disrespected you, I did my best for you and your family and now we have scarcely concluded our divorce and you dare to bring this so-called "boyfriend" to our home?" Jeremy scolded, enraged. 

He shook his head at the duo and warned them, "You are the one who is making a mistake, Rebecca, now get out of my way and do not irritate me any further or I will teach you both a lesson." 

Rebecca was taken aback by his actions. She had known Jeremy for so long and he had never been so furious nor raised his voice at her despite the harsh attitude she and her mother had towards him, treating him like a servant. What changed him so much? 

Greg sneered at Jeremy, he felt that he was being challenged. As a rich and successful businessman and with the interest he had in Rebecca, he felt disrespected by the way a mere useless, and worthless son-in-law was speaking to him. "How dare you speak to me like that?!" He snapped. 

Greg decided that he needed to teach Jeremy a lesson, he had taken Korean Taekwondo classes for some time and he had the basic skills, so he tried to kick Jeremy in the face. Jeremy ducked effortlessly and he lost his balance. Staggering, Greg could not regain his composure when Jeremy then delivered a punch swiftly to his belly. 

Greg fell on the floor with a loud thud, his mouth agape, the pain was so excruciating that he could not scream, he was helplessly gasping for breath on the floor. 

Rebecca was shocked at the scene, she had no idea that Jeremy knew how to defend himself and talk more about such unique combat skills, he stared at Greg on the floor and became even more upset. "How dare you lay your dirty hands on him?" She snapped, "I'll teach you that there are some people you must never offend." 

Jeremy glared at her with a sneer, "You are always welcome to avenge your so-called 'boyfriend', I'll be ready." He said and walked out of the Jason villa. Rebecca stomped after him with curses and insults as he left. 

Pam came to help Greg up from the floor and comfort him, she too was cursing at Jeremy as he left. "I will make you pay! You worthless son of a bitch!" She yelled after him. 

 Rebecca stared at Jeremy with a scowl, she decided that he'd done enough. "I'll call my brother." She said out loud. 

 Pam suddenly laughed, she knew what that meant. Rebecca was referring to Joe, the mafia boss of the city. He was notorious for his vicious nature and Rebecca had been using him to handle some businesses too in exchange for money. 

Rebecca knew he would surely be able to handle Jeremy as he had handled several others in the past. 

As he received the call, Rebecca told him what he was to do and he simply nodded with a wicked smile. "I will surely take revenge for you, sister." He assured her firmly. 



Jeremy hailed a taxi and gave his address as he got in. The driver started the car but as he saw Jeremy in the rearview mirror, he frowned deeply and wondered why he was going to such a neighborhood, only the right and famous lived there and Jeremy certainly did not look to be in that class, he looked poor. 

As Jeremy sat in the back seat of the taxi, his phone rang and as he looked at the caller ID, his demeanor changed. "Hello," he said with a cold voice. 

"When will you come back to your family? It's been seven years already, your family needs you." An old man replied. 

Jeremy was furious at the call, he sneered, "And is the Lord of the family ready to punish those who led to my parents' death? " He snapped. The old man was silent for a few seconds then he said, "This is all a misunderstanding." 

Jeremy scoffed at his flimsy excuse, "I understand, I will return to the family when it is the right time then." He stated firmly.

The old man went silent again for another few seconds then he calmly stated, "You do not understand, the lord of the Harrison family is dying and the family is in dire need of an heir now more than ever." He explained. Jeremy listened with keen interest. He was quiet for a moment and then he said, "The old Harrison family is dead." He declared solemnly, "I need some time and when I am back, the Harrison family will be reborn." 

Jeremy jerked as the driver hit the brakes suddenly and the car came to a screeching halt. He sat up, alert and ended the call abruptly. As he looked outside the window, wondering what was going on, he saw that the car had been stopped by gangsters. 

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