Chapter Four

As the car came to a screeching halt, Jeremy jerked up from the backseat and looked at the men who stood in front of the car, blocking the road. They were gangsters, dressed in fancy clothes and with baseball bats. 

The driver swore, shaking in his boots at the incident. "Oh my god!" He yelled as the door of the car was kicked open and he was being dragged out. 

Jeremy sneered as he opened the car and stepped out, he looked at the men as they surrounded the taxi, each with a menacing frown on their face. 

"Please don't hurt me, please I beg of you, I know nothing, is it money you want?" The driver rambled in fright. 

The men parted and a largely built man stepped out of their midst. He was thicker than the rest and he had a nasty scar on his chin that must have been badly stitched. He was Rebecca's brother, the notorious Joe. 

"Please, don't hurt me...I have children I...I.. I have a wife, please!" The driver begged, stumbling over his own words. "You're pathetic," Joe spat at the driver and moved him aside, "We don't  want anything to do with a loser like you, get out of the way." He added and shoved the driver aside. 

"We're here for this piece of shit who thinks he has all the strength in the world," Joe said, glaring at Jeremy who had not moved from his position by the car bonnet nor said a word despite their elaborate display. 

"Jeremy ,right?" Joe asked and all Jeremy did was nod at him. 

 "You see, my sister, Rebecca called and she wasn't very happy with what you did." He said, each word bringing him a step closer to Jeremy, his fist clenched by his side and his face murderous. 

 "No one, and I mean no one messes with my sister and lives to tell the story." He said and took another slow and threatening step. 

 "You should not have laid your rotten finger on Greg either, you've made my sister very upset and you will pay for it with your life!" He snapped and grabbed a bat from the goon that was next to him. 

Suddenly, Joe was distracted as he saw the driver trying to make a call. He grabbed the phone from him and tossed it on the floor, smashing it into a thousand pieces. 

"What are you trying to do? Huh? Call the cops?" He asked, his left hand fisting the man's collar. The driver struggled to breathe as he shook his head wildly, pleading for mercy. 

"Don't try to be smart or I'll make you suffer too." He said and sneered at him, tossing him aside once more. 

The driver landed on his palms and then scrambled up, nodding as he did, threatened into silence. 

Jeremy stood, immobile, he only stared at all the shows that the gangsters were putting up without moving a muscle. He knew of his abilities and he knew that he did not have to show off just to handle all of them, despite their bats. 

"You have messed with the wrong family, Jeremy ,you should have known better," Joe said with a vicious sneer. 

Jeremy almost laughed at his threats, he looked around and saw the amateur fighters that Joe had brought. They all looked ready to fight but none of them was ready, he could see their weak grip on the bat and their poor stance. 

“You don't want to do this, walk away while you still can," Jeremy said with a smile. 

Joe sneered, asking him what he could do. "You're outnumbered, Jeremy, we will kill you before even the police arrive, and believe me, this weakling of a driver cannot save you." He pointed out.

Jeremy could tell that it was pointless to argue with him, especially when he was so eager to show off. 

Joe smirked at Jeremy and moved closer with the bat and waved it in his face. "I will beat you to death for messing with my sister and I'll make sure there's no part of you left for a funeral." He threatened and raised the bat at Jeremy .

Jeremy ducked skillfully and grabbed the bat, smashing it on his jaw and kicking him in the shin in a fluid motion.

Two men reacted at once but they were both too slow. Before they could make a move, Jeremy had taken them out too, each talking on the ground badly hurt. 

The fourth guy came from behind and the driver yelled at Jeremy to look out, but Jeremy had already felt his presence, he turned abruptly and kicked him powerfully in the stomach. The goon doubled over and fell to the ground, unconscious. 

One threw a punch from the side and before it could land, Jeremy moved away, making him lose his balance. Jeremy then shoved him down and kicked his bat away as another tried to grab it. 

Jeremy stared at the gangsters all sprawled on the floor, clutching one part of the body or the other. Joe had known that Jeremy had some training in martial arts but he'd never guessed that he could take out all of his men as easily as he did, barely breaking a sweat. 

Joe rose angrily and rushed to the car, he opened the door and returned with a weapon. 

Jeremy looked at the pistol in Joe's grip, it was pointed directly at him, his grasp was tight and his fingers were right at the trigger. 

"I guess you think you're a pro at fights huh? You think you're some superman because you can take out my guys?" He sneered his grip on the gun still firm as he waved it in Joe's face. 

Jeremy kept calm, he knew that he could avoid the bullet if he chose to pull the trigger. He was not afraid of the threats and he still stood, his head high and his chin up without a single plea. 

"Since you're so good in a fight, let's see how you fight a bullet." He said. 

Just as his fingers moved down on the trigger, the loud screeching of tires could be heard from afar. Joe jerked his head to the side. 

A convoy of ten luxurious cars was coming at them at full speed. Joe started, thinking it would pass by seeing the scene on the road, but it didn't. 

The cars came to a halt at the same time, making another round of screeching sound. The doors of three of the cars flung open and men dressed in all black emerged from within. 

Joe looked in awe as the men stepped down, looking sophisticated and wealthy, not like the hungry gangsters he had brought. 

Jeremy too stared passively as the men came down and strolled to them. They made their way and a beautiful girl stood behind them. She moved gracefully to the center of the gathering and glared at Joe. 

Joe was dumbfounded, he'd never seen a woman so beautiful nor such expensive cars being owned and driven all at once, he was mute as the beautiful girl walked up to him and with a sneer, "How dare you mess with Mr. Harrison?" She asked calmly and turned to the men who now stood behind her, "Teach him a lesson." she said. 

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