Chapter 10

Al sat by Cassie's bedside, holding her hand tightly. His face showed deep worry, while Cassie looked even weaker. Her body now looked fragile, but her spirit could still be seen from her eyes looking at Al. 

Perhaps this was one of Cassie's premonitions, she forced Al to become her pretend husband in order to protect her and save all the wealthy assets she had from irresponsible people, like her ex-fiancé. 

"Al, I can't go on like this. My body is getting weaker, and I know that I may not have much time left," Cassie said in a hoarse voice. Every word that came out of her mouth was heavy. 

Cassie was so sure that Al Vino Chandra was the right person.

"Don't talk like that, Cassie. You will recover. You're undergoing treatment, and I'm sure you'll recover," Al replied in a hopeful tone, even though he knew in his heart that Cassie was probably right.

Cassie shook her head weakly. "Al, I have to be realistic. You know how I am. I can't take care of the company like I used to. I've thought about it, and I want you to start learning how to manage our business."

Al paused, looking at Cassie with a serious gaze, "Cassie, you know I would do anything for you according to the agreement that the city has made. But I've never really been in the business world. I'm afraid of making mistakes."

"That's why I want you to learn from my assistant, Joe. He's worked with me for years and knows the ins and outs of the company well. I trust him, and I want you to learn from him, Al," Cassie explained in an increasingly weak voice.

Al nodded, trying to hold back his emotions. "Fine, I'll learn. But please, don't talk as if you're leaving. I want you to see how I manage your company, Cassie."

Cassie smiled weakly, then raised her hand to touch Al's cheek. "May God still give me the chance to see you succeed in growing my business, Al, and see you succeed in avenging those who have belittled you."

"Yes, Cassie. I will pray that God can give you a long life. If possible, God lift your illness."

Cassie nodded slowly. "Thank you, Al. Joe will be here in a minute. I've asked him to come here."

Shortly after, the door to the hospital room opened, and Joe, walked into the room. He carried a thick folder in his hand and smiled gently at Cassie.

"Good afternoon, Miss Cassie. How are you today?" he asked in a warm voice, even though he could clearly see Cassie's deteriorating condition.

Cassie smiled slightly. "I'm fine, Joe. Thank you for coming. I need your help."

Joe nodded understandingly. "Of course, Miss. Whatever you need."

Cassie turned to Al, signaling him to come closer. "I want you to teach Al about how to manage the company. He'll be taking over most of my responsibilities for a while."

Joe looked at Al with great respect. "It's my pleasure, Mr. Al. I'll make sure you get all the knowledge you need to run the company."

Al looked at Joe. "Thank you, Joe. I don't have any hands-on experience, but I'll learn as fast as I can."

Joe smiled warmly. "No need to worry, sir. I will guide you step by step. We'll start from the basics, and I'm sure you'll quickly master it."

Cassie looked at the two men with great emotion. "Oh yes, Joe, I also want you to keep my illness a secret from the public."

Joe nodded firmly. "Of course, Miss. I'll make sure this information doesn't get out of our little circle."

Cassie breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, Joe. I know you're reliable."

After that, Joe took out the folder he was carrying and opened some important documents. He started explaining to Al about the company's financial statements, the business strategy that was being carried out, and the plans that had been made for the next few months.

Al listened carefully, noting every detail given by Joe. Occasionally, he asked questions to clarify things he didn't understand. Joe patiently explained everything, making sure Al got a clear understanding.

"How is it, Mr. Al?" asked Joe. 

"I'm starting to understand a little, Joe," Al replied.

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