A Billionaire's Revenge : I'll Prove I'm not Trash
A Billionaire's Revenge : I'll Prove I'm not Trash
Author: Queen Mikayla
Chapter 1

"Angela, what are you doing?" shouted Al Vino from a distance, having approached the table where Angela was sitting with another man. His hand was still holding the small box containing the diamond necklace.

Angela, who was surprised to hear Al's voice, immediately stood up and looked at him with a confused expression on her face.

"Al, when did you go home? Why are you here?" she said with a trembling voice.

"I've been here long enough to see everything, Angela," Al said in a voice filled with emotion.

Al had previously known that his girlfriend was a traitor. When Al was in Italy, he received a F******k link from his best friend.

When Al clicked on the link sent by his best friend, he immediately opened the F******k page. He saw a video uploaded by an anonymous account.

In the video, Angela is seen closing her eyes, enjoying the touch given by the man whose back is only visible.

Al closed his eyes, catching his breath first.

"I came home for you, bringing this." Al opened the diamond necklace box and showed it to Angela.

Angela's eyes widened at the sparkle of the diamonds.

"I worked hard in Italy; every drop of my sweat was for our future, for our child. And what do I find here? You with another man?"

The man sitting with Angela smiled and grinned. Then he put his arm around her waist.

"Honey, now let me ask you a question. Your boyfriend is back, so do you choose him or me?"

Angela smiled at the man whose hands were still around her waist.

"Oh, Crish. Of course, I choose you, darling. You're more perfect than he is!" Angela pointed sarcastically at Al. "He... he's just a trashy guy!" Angela said, smiling sarcastically at Al.

"Haha... trash?" Crish smiled mockingly.

"Yes, Crish. He's just a construction worker. He'll never be able to give you what you can. Al Vino is just trash! Trash that should be thrown into the garbage can! Hahaha..."

Al clenched his fists, his breathing ragged. His heart really hurt like a thorn.

Everyone in the café was watching the argument. They even mocked and laughed at Al.

"Bastard!" cursed Al. His hand immediately tugged at the collar of the man who was Angela's lover, but Crish brushed Al's hand away roughly.

Al's heart skipped a beat. Anger was starting to get the better of him.

"Never mind, Al! Just accept reality. You're just a poor man, and you mean nothing to me. Do you think you can marry me with the money you earned as a construction worker in Italy? Dream on, Al!" Angela was getting more and more satisfied taunting Al in front of Crish and the patrons who filled the café.

"And this necklace..." Angela snatched the jewelry box from Al's hand. "This necklace must be fake! It can't be a diamond necklace." Angela threw the necklace right into Al's face.

Al's breath caught again, but he was still trying to control his anger.

"You're a bad woman, Angela! You're forgetting everything I've given you!" Al yells, his hands clenching into fists and hitting the table very roughly.

Six months ago, when Angela told him she was pregnant, Al was so happy that he was going to be a father, even though Angela's pregnancy occurred before their marriage.

Angela always gave him warmth, and Al also always provided his girlfriend with luxuries. He worked hard to fulfill Angela's wishes, which often came at fantastic prices.

Angela's appearance used to be simple. Al gave his lover capital to enhance her looks, so Angela's appearance became fashionable, beautiful, and sexy.

When Angela was positively pregnant, Al wanted to marry her and make a wedding party according to Angela's wishes. He had the courage to migrate to Italy, a very foreign country, even though he worked only as a construction worker. However, the opportunity to earn money there was very easy.

Al's feelings were completely shattered after he learned that the child Angela was carrying was most likely not his flesh and blood. 

Everything he had worked for all this time, all his sweat and hard work, had been in vain. 

Even though Al was only a construction worker, he always worked desperately to please his girlfriend.

"A poor man like you is no match for me, Al," Angela said sarcastically. 

Al still chose to remain silent. 

"You heard, right, Al Vino Chandra!" said Crish, the man smiling mischievously again. "Trash men like you are no match for Angela!" Then Crish kissed Angela on the lips right in front of Al. 

Al could no longer contain his anger. His body trembled with emotion. He clenched his fist and, with all his might, threw a punch right into Crish's face. 

Crish, who was not expecting Al's impromptu attack, staggered backward, hitting the table. The laughter that had previously graced his face disappeared instantly. Now Crish's face was red with anger.

"You idiot!" Crish spat blood from his busted lip. "You think you can beat me?" shouted Crish, who immediately got up.

However, before Al could continue his attack, two of Crish's large bodyguards arrived. They quickly blocked Al and attacked him mercilessly.

Al tried to fight back, but his tired body made it difficult for him to hold on. One hard punch landed on his stomach, making him fold in pain. Another kick slammed into his ribs, sending him crashing to the floor.

The crowd at the café started screaming.

The café manager, a middle-aged man, immediately ran over to try to stop the fight.

"Enough! Stop it! This is no place for fighting!" the café manager shouted.

Crish's bodyguards finally retreated, leaving Al lying on the floor with a bloody face. Angela and Crish smiled with satisfaction at the sight of Al's badly injured condition.

Angela approached Al, looking at him with a cold stare. "You're really pathetic, Al. You think you can fight my girlfriend with your bare hands?" Angela smiled mockingly.

"Listen! You're just a poor guy who dreams too high."

Al looked up, fixing Angela with an angry glare. "You're... You're a monster, Angela. I love you, and this is what I get in return?" Al shouted.

Angela just smiled sarcastically. "Never mind, Al! No need to ask me for anything in return!" Angela tapped Al on the shoulder. "Goodbye, poor guy!" she said in a condescending tone before turning around and walking out with Crish.

The café manager tried to help Al to his feet. "You've made a scene here! Then you'd better leave immediately."

Al stood up with difficulty, his breathing still labored. He clutched his injured side, enduring the excruciating pain. "I'll go," he replied hoarsely.

But Al would never forget what they did to him. Al was determined to avenge all the bad treatment he had received from Angela and Crish.

With hobbling steps, Al left the café. Every step he took was heavy, not only because of the physical pain but also because of the emotional weight that was crushing him.

When he got to the parking lot, he saw that Angela and Crish were still there. Al ventured over to them.

"Angela!" called Al. He tried to smile in front of the traitorous woman.

"What else, poor guy?" Angela's eyeballs rolled in disgust.

"We're breaking up, remember! I broke us up, not you, monster woman! And one more thing, I'll prove to you that I'm not a trashy guy!" Al said with a serious look.

Angela and Crish laughed mockingly.

"How can you prove it, Al? You're obviously a poor man with nothing! Huh, you trashy guy! You're just a construction worker," Angela shook her head, doubting Al's words.

"You'll see! You'll regret it!"

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