Chapter 2

"I'll prove that I'm not a trash man, Angela!" Al whispered, standing in front of the mirror. He looked at himself in the reflection while adjusting his tie.

Al Vino still hasn't accepted the humiliation he experienced yesterday from Angela and Crish. However, the more he was insulted, the more eager he became to prove that he could work in a big company, no longer being a construction worker.

"This diamond necklace is real, Angela, not fake. These diamonds are not the result of my hard work as a construction worker! This necklace was left to me by my mother. My late mother asked me to give this necklace to the right woman. And it turns out... you're not the right woman, Angela; you're a monster."

Al clenched the hand that held the diamond necklace, then put it back in the jewelry box.

He glanced at the business management degree certificate lying on the table. Today, he planned to change his fate.

With steady steps, Al walked out to the bus stop. Today he planned to apply for a job at one of the leading companies in London. He was sure that with his diploma, it would be easier for him to get a decent job.

Suddenly, the sound of a car horn broke his reverie. A luxury car drove by so fast that splashes of mud and dirty water landed right on Al's new suit.

The next second, he realized that it was Crish's car, and the person sitting next to Crish was Angela, his ex-girlfriend.

"See, baby? The poor guy's wearing a suit!" shouted Crish from his car window, mocking Al Vino.

"Jeez, Crish, what's he wearing a suit for? It's like he's trying to pass himself off as a businessman, baby!" added Angela with a mocking laugh.

"But with his dirty clothes like that, now he really looks like trash," Crish said, her voice clearly audible to Al.

Al Vino felt his blood boil, but he took a deep breath and tried to control his emotions.

"I'm not a trash guy, Angela, Crish! Just so you know, I'm a college graduate, and with my diploma, I'm sure the big companies in town will accept me!"

"Oh, really? What degree, dear? A construction worker's degree, is that what you mean?" said Angela, laughing again in satisfaction.

"With that fake diploma you have. Who hired you, Al Vino Chandra?" added Crish.

Al looked at Crish and Angela with a glare.

"You'll see later! Someday, you two will regret having underestimated me," Al said firmly.

Crish, who was satisfied with insulting Al, then drove off in his car.

Al was still glued to his seat, his breathing ragged. It was obvious that the clothes he was wearing were dirty.

"I will not give up even though you have insulted me!" Al whispered. He would continue his journey to the company that was his destination.

However, before that, Al will change his clothes first.


Al stood in front of the building of the first big company he had set his sights on. He took a deep breath, made up his mind, and stepped inside the magnificent building.

"I'm sure! I will definitely be accepted as one of the staff in this company!" Al whispered; he was so confident.

After waiting for a while, he was called into the HRD room for an interview.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Al Vino Chandra. I have seen your CV. It turns out you graduated from University College London in Business Management. That's very impressive," said the man who was still reading the files Al had brought.

"Yes, that's right. I look forward to joining this company," Al replied confidently, with a faint smile carving the corners of his lips; he was just trying to get rid of his nerves.

The man nodded, but there was a hint of hesitation.

"But I noticed in your file that it doesn't say you have experience. So, do you actually have no work experience?"

"Yes, that's right. I have never had any experience working for a company," Al replied matter-of-factly.

The man smiled slightly. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, Mr. Al Vino. However, unfortunately, our company is looking for someone with experience. So, I apologize! I can't accept you into our company!"

Al Vino smiled faintly and left the room. He felt disappointed but not hopeless.

"Cheer up, Al! Don't give up! This is just the beginning! Don't back down just because of a rejection!" Al whispered as he kept encouraging himself.

So, Al rushed to the second company.

Now he was being interviewed by an HR representative.

"Sorry, our company doesn't need someone with no experience. I'm sorry, I can't hire you in this company yet! Thank you!"

Al Vino could only nod and say thank you. He left the building feeling disappointed, but he wasn't going to give up just yet.

Before he knew it, Al was at his third company for an interview, and again he was rejected. This time, frustration began to gnaw at him. However, he tried to stay calm.

"Cheer up, Al!" he encouraged himself again.

As he walked towards the exit, he accidentally saw Crish and Angela, who had just entered the lobby of the company building. Apparently, this company belonged to Crish. Angela's belly was already big, and she looked elegant in a stylish maternity dress. Crish took her hand with great concern.

"Well, well, well. Who are we looking at here, darling?" Crish quipped with a sardonic smile. "Mr. Bachelor of Construction, trying to be a businessman!" he said with a shake of his head.

Angela chuckled, touching her stomach. "How did the interview go, Mr. Bachelor?" she asked, grabbing the CV Al was holding.

"It must have been rejected, right? Haha... what a pity!" Angela threw the CV into Al's face.

"Of course he'll get rejected, dear. No company will accept him with a fake diploma. He should have stayed where he was—a construction worker. That's the right place for someone like him, darling," added Crish, who never tired of taunting Al Vino.

"Angela, Crish. I know you like to see me fail, but I will not give up. I won't stop until I prove you wrong," Al replied in a calm yet firm voice.

Crish brought his face closer to Al's with a smirk. "You know, Al, sometimes I almost feel sorry for you. But then, I remember how pathetic you are. Do you really think a company can be fooled by a diploma that you've manipulated, huh?"

Then, Angela touched Crish's hand, trying to hold back her laughter. "Look at you, Al. You're nothing more than someone who dreams too high. I don't know what you're thinking, but it's obvious you can never become filthy rich with that fake diploma of yours! Never mind, you should go back to Italy and become a construction worker."

Al took a deep breath, trying to contain his emotions; he didn't want to make a scene again.

"I know you doubt me, but I'll show you that I'm more than what you think."

Crish waved his hand as if shooing away a fly. "Of course, of course. You are free to dream, Al. But remember the reality! You're a poor man who dreamed of becoming a wealthy man after being abandoned by Angela!"

Angela chuckled as she looked at Al. "You'd better get out of here quickly!"

With mocking laughter still ringing in his ears, Al Vino left the building.

"Wait, Al!" shouted Angela. 

Al stopped his steps with bated breath. 

"Bye, Al. Good luck with your new career as a fly farmer! Hahaha!"

"Shut up!" shouted Al Vino while clenching his fists.

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