Chapter 3

Today is Al Vino's seventh day of looking for a job. He didn't give up even though every time he applied, all he got was a rejection.

Even so, he will try to get a decent job so that he is no longer humiliated.

Before leaving, Al checked the list of companies he was going to. One of them was a company owned by his college friend.

Al thought that most likely, his friend would give him a job, considering that Al's relationship with his college friend was quite close.

"Jefri Sbastian, he will definitely help me," Al whispered; he was so sure of his words.

Arriving at the company building, Al was very confident. He met the receptionist, and soon after, Al was invited into his room by Jefri.

"Hey, Al! Long time no see," Jefri greeted him with a big smile, although there was a slightly sardonic glint in his eye. "How are you? It's been a long time since we met."

"My news is good, Jef. I came here to ask you for a favor. I wonder if you can get me a job in your company," Al said with a small smile.

Jefri nodded while looking at Al from head to toe. "Sure, sure. But, Al... I heard you only work as a construction worker. Why do you suddenly want to enter the company? It's not easy, Al!" said Jefri, doubting Al's ability.

Al started to feel some discomfort from Jefri's words, but he tried to remain calm. "Yes, that's true. But you know, right? We were in the same batch in college?"

Jefri gave a small chuckle. "Al, I understand your passion. But, to be honest, my company needs people with experience and a good reputation. I'm not sure you're suitable for any position here, especially with all the rumors going around. Sorry, Al."

"Rumors? What do you mean?" Al felt anxious.

"Well... some say you used a fake diploma. So I can't accept that kind of risk in this company," Jefri said.

Al was surprised to hear those words. "That's not true, Jef. I've never faked my diploma. You know my diploma is real, and you're a witness because we were in the same batch at college!" Al really didn't accept the rumors.

Jefri just shrugged, as if he didn't care about Al's explanation. "I know! But there's no proof! And rumors like that can damage the company's reputation. Sorry, Al, but I can't help you. You should just go back to your original habitat, working as a construction worker."

"Okay, no problem if you don't want to help me!" Al said, smiling even though he was very disappointed.

Then Al left the room with feelings that were difficult to express. He was really disappointed because Jefri, who used to be his best friend, now rejected him just like that. How annoying!

Al tried to calm himself down. "I won't let the humiliation I've always faced stop me," he muttered to himself. He walked to the nearest bus stop and headed to the other companies on his list.

Arriving at the next company building, Al tried to enter the lobby. However, a security guard suddenly stopped him.

"Sorry, you can't come in," the security guard said in a stern tone.

"What's wrong? I want to apply for a job here," Al replied, even though he was a little confused.

The security guard looked Al up and down. "I'm sorry, but I won't allow you—with such a low background—into this building. Please leave!"

"Background? What do you mean?" Al felt confused and offended. Again, he heard the word 'BACKGROUND.'

"Sorry! But I have received a warning from the company owner that the name Al Vino Chandra is prohibited from entering because you applied for a job using only a fake diploma!"

Al felt his blood boil when he heard that. "That's not true! I've never faked a diploma!" Al shouted in frustration.

The security guard just shook his head. "Sorry, I'm just following orders. Please leave!" The security guard rudely shooed Al away.

Al left the building, wondering what was going on. 

When he opened social media, he saw a news report from an anonymous account about him, stating that he had used a fake diploma to apply for a job at a large company. He was a construction worker who dreamed of working in an office. 

"Crish," Al hissed through gritted teeth. He knew only Crish could do this. "He's really sneaky! Fuck you, Crish!"

Al was so angry that he wanted to teach Crish a lesson. But it was useless; that jerk would never admit it. 

"I won't give up, even if Crish tries to bring me down. I'll keep going," he said excitedly. 

Then Al decided to be pensive in the garden, holding his mother's diamond necklace. His heart felt tight remembering the humiliation he often faced, even after a week of looking for a job, with only rejections he received. 

Al tried to calm down. He took a deep breath, feeling frustrated.

"God... what do I do? Should I leave this city?" Al whispered to himself.

When Al was daydreaming while looking at the diamond necklace he was holding, suddenly a busker passed by and quickly snatched the diamond necklace from his hand.

Al was shocked, immediately stood up, and shouted, "Woy, give me back my necklace!"

The busker ran, and Al chased after him with all his might. Unfortunately, on the way, Al accidentally bumped into a beautiful woman wearing a wedding dress. The woman seemed to be of Chinese descent.

"Sorry..." Al stammered, feeling guilty for almost knocking over the beautiful woman.

"Please help me!" the woman pleaded in a frightened voice. "They're after me. I don't want to marry that man. Please save me!"

Al, still breathing heavily, quickly grabbed the woman and took her to hide behind an empty kiosk.

"Miss, who exactly is chasing you?" Al asked in surprise.

"That bastard," she replied with certainty.

"Oh!" Al said.

Al and the woman hid until the situation looked safe. Al was relieved, but his thoughts returned to the diamond necklace that the busker had stolen.

"I have to get that diamond necklace back," Al whispered, but it was clearly heard by the beautiful woman.

"The diamond necklace?"

But Al didn't budge. Instead, he walked out of his hiding place, leaving the beautiful woman behind.

Then, Al accidentally saw the thug who had stolen his diamond necklace. Without thinking, Al chased him.

"Woy! Wait!" Al shouted.

The busker didn't hear; he handed the diamond necklace to a woman standing on the corner. Al choked up when he recognized the woman who received the diamond necklace from the busker's hand.

"Angela!" shouted Al angrily. "Give me back my necklace!" Al walked at a fast pace towards Angela.

Angela turned around with a sly smile. "Oh, Al. This necklace is already mine!" Angela said shamelessly, even though she had refused the diamond necklace at the time.

"It belonged to my mother! Give it back!" snapped Al. "It's not fit for a traitorous woman like you!" 

However, Angela ignored Al's words. She hurriedly got into the car and told the driver to speed up.

"Angela! Give me back my necklace!" shouted Al, trying to chase the car. 

But suddenly, Al heard a woman screaming. 

"Let go of me! Let go! I don't want to marry you!"

Al saw that the beautiful woman's wrist was firmly gripped by a handsome man wearing a bridal outfit.

"Let her go!" Al shouted.

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