Eagle ' s Eyes

smiled broadly at him and I thought he was a bit surprised. Whether because of my tendency as an unpredictable person, which is sometimes moody, cheerful, excited, gloomy, melancholic, this is from honesty or just easily forgetting my own style.

Or because I was in need of his willingness to do something for me. It's just humane then, right? Being sweeter when you need .. lndeed well then .. I immediately sat laying my one leg over the other.

Then l take a pen from the shirt pocket that I bought from the men's clothing counter. Without opening the book, I just tear a small page and scribble while looking directly into his eyes and start asking some questions.


Primrose knew that outside,they made the activities involving his cousins and comrades...was Alvano still there too ,among the audience? She shuddered in recalling him ..

Rayland and Greene altogether with Hivana and Lobelia seemed the most busy as usual .

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