
" A trainer is someone who knows how to to a certain job .They are able to transfer the knowledge or teach it to other people who know less or nothing about it , in both theory and practice.

When they teach mixed the experienced and also the inexperienced, they face two problems . First the experienced ones who who need more theory and alternative performances as they have already been at the field and the second one is the inexperienced who don't have all that .

Facing and handling the two , the trainers have to be capable and wise .If not ,there yielding boredom .Not too much trivia for the experienced and giving inadequate materials for the inexperienced.

Lately l attended a training as the most experienced one so l got bored sometimes when it's too long duration for practicing.However ,l got double benefits such as new methods,new terms,and tutorial plannings. "

Max ended up his introduction by bowing a bit and saluting ,then made a gesture for Greene to take his turn to be the n
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