Intercity Bus

On a hot afternoon, Ashby in his teens looked exhausted and cramped in the inter-city bus terminal. But his mentality was too strong to just lose because he really wanted to get on the bus and see what happened there. The flow of passengers was like a crowd  of people who want to be near and see famous people  when at last  the bus came lazily through the traffic jams and  smoky dirt of the city road .

In the crowd of passengers who were rushing in like a flood of haste and impatience stream he pushed himself to the farthest row of seats so he could not to be disturbed. In the corner of busy place as a best spot to be alone among the crowd.

Finally he got the seat .

Good morning world ..Light  slowly but surely come into the dark of universe.

If the views  of the passengers  was  one soul of each human being in their activities for having life itself 

were  light and energy ever enough for them ? At the first step in getting a seat in a bus for work  that gotten painstakingly by being sweating ... Everyone who got seat looked to be having a bit relief.

Yes , If the light is a  believe and creed ,Light travel around on such unseen methods

Just spread over the  sky line and come down on the earth to make people happy and smile.

What do you trust then ?

"Hi beautiful !look at Page 9,ok? before going to work" said Ashby . Lobelia was curious about the people he cared that time .

"Here is a pal saying hi,mh ,a young widow from an old cultured state who work in Dubai..well..working woman leaving her kid to earn, it's common in this feminism era..mammalia has more natural care to feed their youngsters with maybe thrice as sacrifice even..mhh this woman pal got good post in a hospital, looked energetic and  quite smart and educated..she greeted him  nicely , commented him  as  handsome as  he always greet her by Pretty or Sexy girl..she knows how to greet people to uplifting her self esteem..that pal often complain to her about how lonely she is..owh ,he knows so well what how how does it feel to carry out that feeling,yes,loneliness is one of trial form of life  gives to everybody..

He wanna listen to anyone pain ,to help them release then  change it with positive if the pal woman wanna talk of adult matter he listen well and respond it .. asking more than telling anything just to help her releasing her yearn to have someone in her days..she often complain about boredom...oh, he  wonder why ones can not enjoy life with thankfulness to the Divine even ones life never perfect but life is full of wealth ,wonders some times and surprises..if there is a trouble destiny give ,there are more to enjoy and  there always solution ...

"What do you think?"Kiddy kiddy time ... don't kill the old fun to seethose dolls! It  enliven our fancy of some pleasant and real friends.."

"Who paint one's face, hands 

and shapes ?  wrote ones stories of destiny as  trials  and challenges  to the end  and how to begin ? Who knows ..."

"You don't like my story? No ? But why you listen ?" She asked with flirt tone ,swinging the phone and really want the answer  right away .

But Ashby did not say anything for long moments.

"I know..Somewhere people got things too much till it can be named waste  show of rubbish.While other part of the world people fight for little things.

They eat from rusty plate and decay food.Nothing to reach out  on the air, even wishes. 

They may be too tired caused by

difficulties as barriers.

Why the world always unjust ?

Greedy ones 

Evils..That's the only explanation.And that's what made Ashby live his life ...Yep...happiness is simple..simple..simply simple.The call to follow your heart.

At his lonely   time he thought about things that come around.Half dark room is like half life .The other half is waiting for the end of the tunnel of lights.

When the last news will be sent ?Friendship with the silent on the crowded earth which kept those  plants that   receiving water and the sun to grow.

Bearing the dazzling power of sunshine and the colours  of everything . She went on ,

"Thanks a lot ..l already seen the   documents..Beautiful lines indeed my dear .Here is the notes am l right in reading this with such tone ? Listen then...

"Unhappiness caused by :

- boredom

- unable to sense and  enjoy this moment

-unable to change bad habits of oneself and  surroundings 

-yearning of the old goof days

-wanting something too much

So...just do some simple efforts   !"

"Well ..Absolutely...if you love life , then you can feel you don't need anything,anybody too much.All is about life where you live simply in mutual connection with everyone. Get rid off everything you consider small and unimportant  . Everything has point to be there. Will there be another hero  born ? Hero always born ,it maybe within yourself!"

"I don't think so...we can argue in this matter ..but in some parts we have agreement either.There was an adventure story of someone like you ,Ash ,A legend  ,A figure ,A man

Comes to fight for what he believed

From a settled bloodline family,

Go for unknown states where he meet  jungles and remoteness .

Defending ,strengthening the weak and the poor.

Category of people  nature send

as  message to be cared ."

At his side , Ashby thought about how to  back up struggle with and  for such people.Changing topic ? He had to create another forms of words can be joking or just other light chat .

"You always be in my heart

As a shining star that never fade away..Things are weaken by time and  space.."

Anger and  hatred manufacturing bad words ,curse and crimes in actions.

A wise man said,

The strongest human being is not the one who can beat their foes

But they who can cancel their anger"

"Help me to be part of solution then ,not the problems...l think most people treat life playfully

When ones gathering ,there will be  bull discussion,miscellaneous and triviality..all laugh for that ..

While all personal matters problem are forgotten" said Lobelia . She remembered how Ashby calls her . Sometimes" Bel ..or Lo ...or Ly" ..she likes the last  best .

He often there for anyone when ones feel such  unbearable matters .The case might be tiring but  then he would made an atmosphere for  each one's comfort .There were times alwaysto peel out the stuff..He was a person whom you can talk of everything.. including the relaxing moments full of humours.

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