Mamiyaba Shadow

Misty Simmer put a file on the huge round table for the management meeting.All eyes were on it  as it was list of  the chosen works of stories   that would be the top 3 works  which were  to be filmed within this year   . Alvano seemed unhappy as the story  with most voters of the board members  was the one that Primrose suggested .Alvano assumed that she got it from Ashby as he was an adventurer .He has been to so many countries around the globe.Such idea may derive from a unique culture in certain country.

The other 2 had to be waited till next year .'Booming' is a term that every film makers chase .That story genre is half fantasy.Again he peruse the story and tried to find some flaws to make him able to protest but unfortunately he himself did not find any ..

The Plot is somewhere in Africa .

Alvano consented after all .


     *  Those biobab trees pointed their peaks upright the dry  sky on Miroganya field.Mamiyaba wiped his sweat many times by his thin long palms.Staring at the huge barren dry meadow.Spreading hope while watching a house tree with wooden smooth ladder and the loyal dog that was barking under it.

His breath went slow down when the grass around his legs were moving .Here came out an animal with weird face ,thick fur , yellow,red ,brown .Its eyes were round and bright , watching him cheerfully. Mamiyaba tapped his wet forehead He didn't know what to do.That animal,might bite or eat him ? He had no idea whether that animal was little lion or hornless  bison  ?lts size wasn't bigger than moose , bigger than himself, its hight leveling his waist . The animal looked tame anyhow.


          Mamiyaba decided to befriended with the beast .He whistled and touched its ears. " My name is Mamiyaba...what's yours? I give you name ,you want it , ?" Alright,Nakombe ,your name is ,ok , actually it's my grandpa's name .But he passed away.l asked him to bury my pet when l was just as short as you...well ,l like you . " 

Mamiyaba hoped the beast following  him when he turned around and walked to one direction.He turned his head.But Nakombe disappeared .He rubbed his eyes.No traces of the beast at all.He then looked up the sky . Staring at the clouds .Ah ,the shapes in the north.. looked like Nakombe. He forced himself to keep on walking and forgot what had just happened.Maybe the beast was only in dream .

     Mamiyaba stopped in front of a gravelled small river, standing and staring at the water then he cleaned his face by the water .Cool water ..falling the drops like liquid diamonds in the heat of the barren Africa sun rays  waves .And the solid ground . He was hungry.So hungry.Have not found any food since 3 days ago..drank the water and hoping there would be some fish to be grilled.Yes ,there was a fish sized as his palm ,swam towards the slippery stone near his feet . Happily he caught it by his little harpoon inside his old leather bag .Byar ! Byar ! Ugh ! The fish 's blood redden the water and mamiyaba sight .He got the slippery fish at last .He made fire .His hunger has gone .He whistled.Those albatross was flying above in far distance.There always be rest bison or zebra left eaten by lions or tigers in the corner of the mountains.


       He again looked up at the sky.Those white clouds were moving like wagons and horses .He got aside and decided to go north.His bare feet stepped on the bushy ground.Long dried season whiten those shrubs and grass like  white haired giants From a distance Mamiyaba saw a fire .He was going there.There would be the ones with pale skins _ the European masters who could give him some works.If so ,that means he could have some food for a couple of days in a week or month ...getting some bread , milk and some silver coins that he would share with his mother.So he accelerated his steps .He walked farther.But the fire not even got nearer.He felt strange.Why ? It seemed even farther.It was smaller.And now it was so small .As a sand size.Could he reach there? It's getting dark.The night will come .He had walked for long long hours.'O, Graceful Goddess !l am exhausted.' he whispered.He wanted to sit or laid down under a tree but the field was so bare .Only wild grass everywhere.If he slept there and suddenly came a wild beast he would not be able to see it .He would not have enough time to escape or fought it .So he chose the driest site .None a blade of grass there . Exhaustion made him fell asleep in a minute.He forgot everything. 

       In the middle of the night he was shocked seeing a crescent in the sky . Coldness beat his skin and bones.He tried to fight the coldness by shrinking his body .The crescent moon only gave a little light.The field looked  almost totally  dark.He looked around.Recalling everything happened in the day . Nocturnal creatures sounds brought by the night wind mixed the sounds of leaves waving among the trees cleaved the night stillness.He cursed the biting insects ,getting rid of them by waving his hands fiercely.Some gone but then coming the next ...So he stood up.Suddenly he was homesick.And his mother.Months gone since his leaving.


        Mamiyaba touched his bag .There was still rest of water to go on his way.He started to walk without knowing where to.Work was in his mind still.

In the middle of his journey he looked down.Staring at his own shadow.  Why he did look bigger ?He knew,he was tall and thin.So skinny .Once his mother told him that it's hard to distinguish him to a stem of a banana tree. Again he paid attention to the shadow and touched his own body. Was he growing bigger while he slept?No , it's not possible.Or...the fish he ate made him turned to be a giant?Or..

He turned around...who knows there was another beast again ..or someone in the field?  Nothing,but bushes...or clouds?He looked up.The last possiblity also no, never.The sky was so clear.No clouds.Mamiyaba began to scare .He then gaining all his strength and ran as far as he could.He felt there something chased him.No sound at all .He had no time to see if the shadow was still there.He stucked and fell.

      "Hai " suddenly came a big voice .But he dared not to move his head or body .He clenched his teeth.Shaking .A furry hand touched his back neck .

" You are Mamiyaba, aren't you?"

He did not answer.

" Are you afraid of me ?"

Still couldn't reply.

" Look at me '' the voice commanded.

Mamiyaba turned his head . Shocked.Nothing .None .He wished to die at the very moment.

" Nnoooooooo..!." He screamed loudly.Sweat flooding all over his body.His voice cleaved the sky.

     In the following morning ,when the sunrise came from the east albatross was flying down approaching the corpse .The soulless body of Mamiyaba.But the big bird man _ eater didn't disturb him .Its sharp beak wiped his cheeks.And a teardrop coming down there .

" O, my beloved son .." whispered the bird.Then it lifted mamiyaba 's corpse who was lightened and lightened

The albatross took him up to the clouds .. .

Mamiyaba opened his eyes.His mother was sitting on the crescent moon.The albatross had gone away .He knew that he was dead...

The albatross was his mother and the shadow was not him .The gods had given what he prayed for while he was terribly scared .The only one wish that had been fullfiled when he was alive. ..meeting his mother.His biggest wish ..

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