The Flat

Some workers were waiting outside the locked gate .A few minutes coming  late consequences.A girl smiled at Primrose and she smiled back .But she didn't want to degrade herself by joined them there , showed a need a worry to get in . She never worried even to extricate herself from any company where she worked.Nothing to lose .

Paying people and regulate working hours .. what's the difference in coming late for a few minutes only with the work quality? Discipline,ok ,but no relevant to the ..again , quality... that's what she believed.

      So she stood with her back against the gate .lnstead she looked at the street with such tough expression on her face . Primrose came late for 7 minutes, her lady boss,Misty  , did not say a word ,She smiled nicely and even bowed her her head a little.She might understand,no need to show negative reaction to a person like Primrose for such little thing.If Alvano  was there or knowing about her lateness,that surely be a problem.Primrose once praised Misty might want to keep her good  image of herself as " the nicest manager" in front of her . That's what Primrose said the other day . 


        The elderly Japanese ,mr lchikawa,was one of the important man on board members of commission. He was such a real kind man .He stopped his work and with full understanding he nodded ,"Yah ,ok ," to Primrose when she told him she felt unwell and asking his permission to go seeing doctor. He even ordered his secretary to get the driver taking her by his own white sedan .She knew that some staffs would envy her . But Mr lchikawa was really a father figure .Maybe because he was a good Japanese boss and Primrose had been his private English tutor since a year ago. 


The discussion was going on about the debut album of the film making .Whether the title better Mamiyaba  or Mamiya  and with or without Shadow.The plots would mostlyshowing some mystery and mystical nature and tragical death of one poor African who needs to survive in his own country.

Primrose needed some more sleep but she won't get it .She still thought about her illness and ailment.Well ,nature is always too tremendously to think of.Its unmeasurable energy is too strong to resist.And human life is divergent..who would convey that plenty of fruitful stories in this cultivated world ... violence comes out when people need people..and graceful sagas in a real wild filthy earth ..

The company she worked involving lots of artists in various fields .She believed that artists dig up the seeds ,gather ,plant them  in the minds of people.

Some of artists are poor loners in their wonder and pondering world.They sing and cry in the jungle of hollowness .From there ,they fix their eyes to watch almost everything .Have you threatened by death ? Once or more each one have .Once she heard a terrible quarrel beetween a whore and a drunkard in a cheap flat .The thin wooden wall was shaken by the drunkard shoes .A man screamed and crying helplessly while a woman kept on yelling and condemning .The city has gone to sleep while it happened.The drunkard dragged out the whore on the stairs ! What a horrible sight ..

Primrose feared that she was about to be one of a witness of a murdering.No way .There are times when human souls seem no more precious than mosquitoes..death come in a stupid or tragic way ..Then all the people got to the site .Maybe polices too. So she abruptly

slipped away from the site.. well well life ..what a life !

      The next day she she should be ready for work . Meeting the lady and silly workmates .Where was her position? Some considered her as almost at management level ,some others only ordinary staff , but obviously some of them envy her as she got talent that made her involved often in the management work ,she even went home with the bosses 's car .But also used the employees bus. It's both fine for her .

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