Final Round(Part 3)

"One thousand mid-grade essence stones is no small amount for a common disciple for sure." Zing Ghe thought and was impressed that the Ma clan was serious about bribing Yang Zhai. These many essence stones were nothing in front of Zing Ghe, but what surprised him was that they were being given to an ordinary disciple, who would be happy even with just 100 low-grade essence stones.

Not only that, but the Kroy city's emblem was no joke, even Zing Ghe was surprised. It was like: the Ma and the Bai clans were ready to lose a huge amount of benefits with just this emblem that even 1000 mid-grade essence stones could not compare to. And at that, they were willing to even give up their nomination spot. Kroy City was no ordinary city. Even the Ma clan and Bai clan joining together were like ants in front of Kroy City.

"Let's do it like this, Yang Zhai, if you accept their offer, we will do everything in our power to assassinate you, even if it costs us the annihilation of the whole clan, reme
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