Allen submerged himself into the pool of water, groaning “Today was rather a long day” he said putting his face in the water. Then he heard a sound, a ring, it was his phone, pulling his face out of the water.

He took on the the towel hanging on the side, taking it to his face, he cleaned up the water from his face before approaching the table where his phone was with his body bare.

“Hello,” he said on the phone “They tried to get into the house” Phily answered in a low tone. “Really? Are you hurt? What about David and Ellen?” Allen asked him “They’re both fine, we put them in a semi-conscious state” Phily answered calmly notifying him that all was well.

“Fine then, I’ll interrogate them myself,” he said before ending the call. “That was a tricky move William” Allen said to himself “I’ll make sure you never have to do that again” he muttered, dropping the phone on the table before taking his night robe.

After wearing the robe, he calmly sat on the end of the huge bed, taking his phone
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