Chapter Nine
Ariella had gotten dressed, much to Nell's disappointment, but she wore an off the shoulder top that tucked into her jeans. She was pacing the room and fiddling with her bracelet. She was checking for any signiture of an electrical trail consistant with Cowasian technology. She picked up a faint signal from a small drone. It had flown back to base and she was infuriated.

"Can I use your laptop?" She turns to Nell who was sitting on the couch, just waiting for her to calm down.

"Why do you need it?" He says from the couch.

"I need to send an encrypted message to the Counsel."

"I'll let you on my laptop," He begins to say, holding out his laptop. She moves to grab it but pulls it back as he says, "If you give me something."

"And what am I going to give you?" She says stepping back and crossing her arms.

He leans back against the couch and pats his lap, "Come closer."

She looks at him skeptically but slowly makes her way to him. She sits on his lap softly like she used to with her d
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