Chapter Ten
Over the next few days, Ariella and Nell were prepairing for their trip to Italy. He was currently making arrangements with his staff for when they are gone. She was in his closet, packing their bags when a knock is heard on the door.

She calls out as she walks out of the closet. "Come in!"

A maid opens the door holding a plastic bag of travel essentials. "I have what you asked for."

"Oh good. Thank you," She smiles as she makes her way to the maid. The maid reluctantly hands the bag over. Ariella sees this, "Is there something bothering you?"

"I just don't understand why Master Carter would decide to go on a trip with some one like you." the maid says angrily. Taking that opportunity to talk harshly to her while Nell wasn’t there and throwing the bag at her feet.

"And why should that bother you? It's his decision and his life. What makes you think-"

"He loves me!" The maid cries out. "He only has interest in you because you're new. When he gets what he wants, he'll leave you on t
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