In another part of the mansion, a young man named, Nell Carter, was entertaining his guests as others were admiring some of the inventions he created. He was a handsome man with piercing blue eyes and hair a dark brown. He could be called the male version of Snow White with how white his skin is. He stood tall at 6'8. He easily looked over the heads of nearly everyone in the room.
"Oh, your home is just exquisite, Mr. Carter," an overly adorned woman says. "You must tell me the name of your decorator." Nell had heard such comments too many times just that evening alone that responding was starting to become tedious. "I'll have to see if they're available for more clients at the moment." He says in a refined british accent. "Are there any more genius inventions you plan to release, Mr. Carter?" The woman's husband says. "I plan to take a break and relax after tonight," Nell responds, "I worked on these projects for the better part of a year." "A well deserved rest, I'm sure," another man says. From the corner of his eye, Nell saw some movement against the far wall. There was a young woman wearing a red dress who, to others, looked like she was admiring the inventions on display. But he could tell that she had a determined, and almost disgruntled, expression on her face. Almost like she was looking for something specific. "You just have to meet my daughter," The adorned woman says, waving for a girl to approach. "She is such a wonderful-," Nell turns to his guest, "I'm terribly sorry but there is a matter that requires my attention." The woman starts to panic, "But Mr. Carter, my daughter has been wanting-," She grabs his arm and a guard grabs her hand just as quickly. "I don’t appreciate being touched with permission. I'm going to have to ask you, your husband, and your daughter to leave the premises at once." That family were then dragged out, the woman screaming and demanding that she be heard and that she would sue him for the disrespect. He just groans and turns back to find the young woman he saw and starts making his way to her when he saw she was starting to move. "What do you see in your sector, Ambrose?" Ariella says, barely moving her lips as she spoke. "I have eye's on the host of the party," Ambrose says. Also not moving his lips enough for anyone to notice, "He seems accupied by his guests. So we should move now while he is distracted." As to not raise suspicion, Ariella slowly makes her way to a side hallway they were told the weapon would be. As she gets closer, she could feel she was being followed. After she got into the hallway she ducks to the side and waits for the person to appear. A young man appears in the hallway. Ariella couldn't see what he looked like very well but knew he was wearing a dark suit that seemed to fit him like a glove. The man pauses before he starts to go further into the hallway. Instead of risking being caught by telling Ambrose what happened, she decided to distract the man as a way of telling him. "Can I help you, sir?" The man whips around and Ariella finds herself looking into the bluest eyes she had ever seen. They almost looked like saphires of the purest quality. His hair was as dark as espresso and skin as fair as can be. She thought he looked beautiful. She had to crane her neck to see the top of his head. He was even taller then Ambrose. They just stare at each other for what seemed like hours. The longer he just stared at her, the more her cheeks started to burn. "Can you tell me why you're following me?" she says a little shy. "Oh," he says, a little embarassed, "I just couldn't help but notice that there was a lovely young woman wondering around my party without introducing herself first." "Oh, you must Mr. Nell Carter," she says in the best tone she could muster for excitement, "You have a brilliant mind." she thinks back to the items she saw in the hall, "I couldn't help but notice that you seem to have figured out the physics behind a true stealth cloak. Did you use a light fragmentaion in the material or use a unique type of camera to project an image to the opposing force?" Nell blinked a few times before answering with a crooked smile, "You must be quite bright to have figured all of that out from just a glance." "You could say that," Ariella gives a flirtatious smile. "Though, I'm sure you've heard the same all your life as well." "Yes, well, only from those who wanted something from this big brain of mine. Such as those devices, to supposedly make life a little easier, in the hall." "You need to get him out of that hallway if I'm going to find the weapon instead." Ambrose says through the earwig. He sounded a little angry. "You know," Ariella says with a smile, "I'm feeling a little bit peckish. Could you show me to the refreshment table?" "But of course," Nell says and holds out the crook of his elbow, "May I excourt you?" "Yes, you may," she says, puting her hand on his extended arm, "Lead the way." The pair make their way to the buffet on the other side of the hall. Ariella discreatly looks towards Ambrose and he gives a nod, but not before he gives a look of jealousy, and makes his way to the hallway. "I must say you have an interesting accent. Might I ask where you're from?" Nell asks. "Oh," Ariella was taken aback by the question. But she was trained for such a thing. "My parents traveled all over the world while I was growing up. I must have picked up on the accents." "Fasinating," he says with another crooked smile. They reach the buffet table and Nell hands Ariella one of the drinks. She a discreatly takes a sniff and determines it's safe to drink. She takes a sip but realizes too late; It's alchohol. She just holds the drink in her hand. "The vault is twelve code incripted," Ambrose says, "Applying decryption key." "So," Ariella says, "your parents must be very proud of you for being such a big success." "I wouldn't know," Nell says. Seeing the confusion on her face, he continued, "From what the matron at the orpanage told me as a kid, I was abandoned not long after I was born. Though, the sisters who helped raise me are very proud of me." Something in the way he said this made it seem like he held resentment towards those sisters. "I'm so sorry I asked," she says, start to apoligizing. "It's quite fine," he says brushing it off, "Most of the public already knew so it's not much of a secret." He takes a sip of his drink. Ariella was about to say something when loud alarms start blaring. The guests start to panic and security start to head to a determined location. "I have the weapon," Ambrose says over the noise in the earwig, "Meet me at the rendezvous spot." "I have to go," Ariella puts the drink down and rushes off before Nell could say another word and meet Ambrose on a balcony on the second floor. As she was running, she reaches into her clutch and pulls out the collapsed hoverbike. Some of the security start to chase after her so she tears the dress to reveal spanks underneath and expertly picks up the pace in her heels. She pulls out the smoke bombs from her clutch to throw them behind her. The smoke temporarily distracts the guards so she can get away. When she reaches the edge of the balcony, she jumps off and throws the bike. It starts to assemble and she lands flawlessly on the bike and meets Ambrose on the way down on his own bike. On his back is the strange cannon that she assumed was the weapon. "We need to get out of here." he says. Behind them, they were being pursude by men on motorbikes. They pick up their pace but they were still being closely followed. "I can't shake them," Ambrose says. He moves closer to Ariella, "Take the weapon and get out of here. I'll lead them away." "Be careful," she says as she straps the cannon to her back and speeds away. The other men continue to follow Ambrose but one was still pursuing Ariella. She looks around her to see what she could do to lose him. She sees a small cliff off to the side of her and turns sharply and jumps off. She slowly makes her way down the cliff in her hover bike while her pursuer slid to a stop. Ariella safely makes it to the bottom and quickly hides after colasping her bike. She tucks away behind a boulder and activates her invisability device just as the other rider comes around the bend. At first, the man drove slowly, making sure he looked everywhere before moving on. She was just about to check in with Ambrose when he called in, "Get the weapon to Base!" he sounds frantic, "They have me surounded! Get OUt of...." His communication falls silent. "Ambrose?" She says over the connection, "Ambrose, come in. Ambrose!?"Related Chapters
A warrior’s heart Chapter Three
Ariella had to think fast. She had to get the cannon back to Base but she knew that if the outside world learned of their society, it could meant the end of humanity. There was a screech in the distance and she saw Kia and Azar making their way to her. Azar landed and was scurrying around franticly wanting to save Ambrose. "I know azar," Ariella says, petting his snout to calm him down. "We're going to get him back." After thinking it over for ten minutes she called to base, "We have successfully retrieved the cannon," "Very good," said a voice from base, "Now you and agent Telamon must bring it back as soon as you can." "That's just it," Ariella says, "Telamon has been captured." There was a moments pause, "You must bring the weapon back here. We will send a group to retrieve Telamon." "That is going to take too long," She says, starting to get frustrated, "He needs to be rescued now." "Agent Scarlet," the voice says, "Calm down. Going in emotional like this will get
A warrior’s heart Chapter Four
Ariella had to think fast if she was going to de-escalate the situation. "What makes you think the world doesn't care?" "You are the woman from the party. I know for certain from the sound of your voice." Nell says mater of factly. "You are really stuck on that, aren't you?" Ariella says, "Since you seem to be so sure," she takes off her mask and some of the guards stop and openly stare at her because they didn't expect her to look so beautiful. "Now answer my question." Nell smiles, "That's more like it. Now, to answer your question; I've known since I was young that no one cared for me. You remember I told you about the nuns that raised me, correct? Even then they only did the bare minimum and only fed and clothed me. Sometimes they would starve me if I misbehaved even just a little bit. No one encouraged me to do well in life so everything I did wasn't to improve this world, it was to make it so dependant on technology that it would be easy to destroy." Ariella was shocked b
A warrior’s heart Chapter Five
Over the night, Ariella helped Nell with his work. They finished around midnight and she placed the last page down. She stretches her arms above her head, “Finally. I think I need to train to loosen up my muscles.” “Sound’s like a pleasant idea,” Nell says, rolling his neck, “there’s a gym the guards use. I’ll lead the way,” he gets up from his seat and Ariella follows him out of the room. They make they’re way down the the basement and come to a set of double doors. The doors open and there was every type of workout machine there was. There was even a wrestling ring in the middle of the large room. Two guards were currently in the ring and others were scattered around the room keeping their shape. Ariella makes her way to the ring, “I’m next.” She says with confidence. Everyone around her stops what they were doing to look at her. Thunderous laughter broke out, except for those who survived her attack the night before, who were taking several steps away from her, as she just
A warrior’s heart Chapter Six
"Wha-what-what on earth does that even mean? I'm Crowesian? What even is that country? Is it in Asia?" Nell was pacing his room as all of these new questions were spewing from his lips. "It's 'Cowasian'." Ariella says, starting to get annoyed, "And no, it's not in Asia. It's the oldest society in the world. Even older then Egypt. We just live all over and blend in." "But I don't think I've ever heard of it." He finally stops his pacing to face her. 'Why are we telling him anything? He's just going to blast this on social media.' Kia asks annoyed as well. "Shush," Ariella says to the cat. She turns back to Nell, "It's very likely you haven't. Very little remains from before we essentially became a nomadic tribe thousands of years ago, but you probably have. One of our cities was 'Atlantis'." "Wait, you mean THE Lost City of Atlantis? But that's just a myth." 'So says you.' Kia speaks up again. "And I believe I said 'shush' Kia," "How do you know what that," He struggles
A warrior’s heart Chapter Seven
Nell led the way to the garage where several brands and styles of cars were found and he grabs a pair of keys to a blue Coupes. The lights blink to indicate that it was unlocked and they both climb in. "The closest mall is the Westmorland Shopping center." Nell explains as he starts the car, "We will get you anything you need and thensome. If it all doesn't fit into the trunk, we'll have it delivered." "Should I make a list of all I need?" Ariella asks sarcasticlly. "I’ll get you whatever you need and want so don’t worry about it." After a little more then a half hour, they make it to the parking lot of the mall and make their way inside. On the way in, several men, some with girlfriends, would openly turn to stare at Ariella's ass. Nell sees this and takes the oppurtunity to put his hand on her waist and pulls her closer. This action caused anger to boil in another man's veins as he watched from afar. She blushes and turns to him, "What are you doing?" "I figured you didn'
A warrior’s heart Chapter Eight
A few months go by of Ariella living with Nell. She had kept herself busy with helping him with whatever work he had and heading to the gym to keep her strength up. The guards were proving to be unworthy adversaries in the ring but facing twenty of them helped her build up a sweat. Draco had been woeing Kia with small gifts of rodents he found in the fields. They were slowly getting close just like her and Nell. They would go out on, what Nell classified as, dates. He took her to see movies, fancy dinners, and even just walks around the town or around the estate. She struggled to express herself but she enjoyed the time they spent together. The weather was unusually hot, so she was currently in the pool, working on her laps with him watching. Kia was there with her, swimming as an otter. Draco was pacing the side, looking down at the water and back to Kia, wanting to jump in with them. Nell sat there as well, just watching her. Her hair was braided out of her face and she was wearin
A warrior’s heart Chapter Nine
Ariella had gotten dressed, much to Nell's disappointment, but she wore an off the shoulder top that tucked into her jeans. She was pacing the room and fiddling with her bracelet. She was checking for any signiture of an electrical trail consistant with Cowasian technology. She picked up a faint signal from a small drone. It had flown back to base and she was infuriated. "Can I use your laptop?" She turns to Nell who was sitting on the couch, just waiting for her to calm down. "Why do you need it?" He says from the couch. "I need to send an encrypted message to the Counsel." "I'll let you on my laptop," He begins to say, holding out his laptop. She moves to grab it but pulls it back as he says, "If you give me something." "And what am I going to give you?" She says stepping back and crossing her arms. He leans back against the couch and pats his lap, "Come closer." She looks at him skeptically but slowly makes her way to him. She sits on his lap softly like she used to wit
A warrior’s heart Chapter Ten
Over the next few days, Ariella and Nell were prepairing for their trip to Italy. He was currently making arrangements with his staff for when they are gone. She was in his closet, packing their bags when a knock is heard on the door. She calls out as she walks out of the closet. "Come in!" A maid opens the door holding a plastic bag of travel essentials. "I have what you asked for." "Oh good. Thank you," She smiles as she makes her way to the maid. The maid reluctantly hands the bag over. Ariella sees this, "Is there something bothering you?" "I just don't understand why Master Carter would decide to go on a trip with some one like you." the maid says angrily. Taking that opportunity to talk harshly to her while Nell wasn’t there and throwing the bag at her feet. "And why should that bother you? It's his decision and his life. What makes you think-" "He loves me!" The maid cries out. "He only has interest in you because you're new. When he gets what he wants, he'll leave yo
Latest Chapter
Chapter Nineteen
“Wait wait, hold on,” Nell says stepping back and beginning to pace, “ you can’t mean to say your ‘pregnant’, can you?” “What else could it mean?” Ariella says as she flops on the couch, “I have a parasite?” “I just can’t wrap my head around it,” he runs his hands through his hair, “we only started having sex a month ago and we-“ “Did you use any form of protection” she cut him off. “You did learn how babies are made right?” “Of course I…” he paused when he realizes, “didn’t.” He turns his attention back to her, “but I was under the impression that women didn’t know until they’re almost two months along.” “In normal circumstances, but not when your companion is a dragon that lays eggs.” She retorts. “But usually they lay an egg a little after conception,” she looks at Kia who was wrapped around their egg, “but judging by the size of the egg, they were holding on until they were here.” “How DO you know any of this when-“ “You better choose your next words carefully.” She g
Chapter Eighteen
A young Ariella tossed and turned as a nightmare tormented her. Whimpers and cries of fear would slip past her lips as visions of her parents fighting off a faceless foe crossed her minds eye. Their companions layed behind her parents lifeless and still, tears stained her mother's cheeks as rage filled her eyes and let her emotions blind her judgement. Her father was no better as he fought along side his mate. Before anything else could happen she was shaken awake by her mother, "Ari! Wake up!" Ariella gasped for breath, her heart racing in her chest, Kia was frantic as well as they snuggled into one of their parent for comfort, "Mater?" she says in Latin as she finally focuses on the woman in front of her. Her mother looked like she could be her older sister. They had the same freckles and piercing hazel eyes. Her hair had more of a red undertone then being full on red like Ariella. She was as tall as Ariella if not slightly shorter. "Where's pater? What just happened to me?" "P
Chapter Seventeen
Over the next three weeks, Ariella and Nell had traveled through more then half of Italy. Very little accured while these two moved from city to city, aside from people trying to flirt with them. They had gotten souvenirs from nearly every museum they visited. Every day, Nell had to reign in his desire anytime Ariella got dressed for the day. They were currently in the hilltop city of Ragusa, in southern Italy. Ariella was looking out of the balcony that overlooked the city, wearing an oversized sweater that barely fell below her cheeks. The sun was setting on the horrizon, showing the various shops that were turning their lights on as the streets became darker, when Nell came out and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Are you enjoying the view?" He nuzzles into her neck and pulls her closer to him. "Not as much as you enjoyed our day in. I'm still sore." "I can't help it if you always look delicious. Even now with that sweater dress on, I'm getting excited." He grinds into her
Chapter Sixteen
After Ariella and Nell had their food, they made their way to the Colosseum and joined the tour. The guide was a peppy young girl with an annoying voice. "Ciao everyone! My name is Bianca and I will be your tour guide for this evening! While we go on this adventure together, I ask that you save your questions until the end of the tour. And please, no flash photography. Is everyone ready? Great! Now if you would follow me" She starts to lead the group before anyone could say anything. "Well, isn't she..." Nell says, disgusted and struggling to find the right word, "A girl." "Come on," Ariella says as she takes his arm, "Let's just enjoy the tour." "Now this Colosseum is what is called an elliptical amphitheatre. It is the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built, and is still the largest standing amphitheatre in the world, despite its age. Construction began under the emperor Vespasian in 72 AD and was completed in 80 AD under his successor and heir, Titus. Further modifications we
Chapter Fifteen
Ariella had made her way through the streets when she felt like she had calmed down enough. She had walked along the Tiber river and watched the reflection of the rising sun on the water. She found a bench where she took a seat, closed her eyes, and took in a deep breath. Her mind was starting to clear when, "What's a beautiful woman like you doing out this early in the morning?" She opens her eyes to look at who was speaking. She was met with an average looking, Italian man wearing what looked like expensive brand name clothes and watch. The man looked like he was desprately trying to show he's rich. "Minding my own business." She responds before turning her attention back to the water. The man doesn't take the hint and sits next to her, she had to repress her gag reflex when the god awful stench of his cologne hit her nose, "You seem to be upset by something. I'm all ears." "Good for you," She moves away from him, "I'm still not talking." He chuckles and moves closer to her,
Chapter Fourteen
“This is agent Larson reporting in,” a voice says in Cowasian. It comes over a sound system with slight static. “This is Base, receiving.” Another voice responds in the same language. “I just encountered an agent that was lost on the Carter assignment.” “Agent Scarlet? Was she on her own?” At the mention of Scarlet, the person’s attention perched up and listened closer to the conversation. “She was with Nell Carter.” “Did it seem like he had any kind of weapon?” The voice asked concerned. “No. It appeared they were just on a date.” This infuriated the person listening in. “As long as he is unarmed, we shouldn’t have to keep an eye on them. Where did you-“ A knock on the door draws their attention away from the conversation. “Hey you’ve been in there for an hour!” A raspy voice says in English, “other people need to use the restroom!” The equipment that was used collapsed into a simple earbud that he placed in his pocket and stepped out of the bathroom. Ambrose looks down at th
Chapter Thirteen
The next day, Ariella and Nell spent the day walking around Rome and enjoy the sites and each others company. They made wishes in the Trevi Fountain, where she spent a good two hours admiring the immense detail that went into it. They stopped at a little cafe where they sampled their special coffee blend. He wanted to buy some grounds to take home but was shut down after he was reminded that they'd have to carry it with them. After that they visited the Vatican museum and saw the wonderful Sistine Chapel. Nell marveled at the well preserved condition it was in and so did Ariella.Not far from there, they stopped for lunch and were enjoying a delicious meal when she sees a suspicious figure lurking on the corner facing them. She concetrates harder and realizes that it was a Cowasian agent. She quickly turns away before they could notice her and acts like nothing was wrong."Is something the matter?" Nell says, looking up from his Pasta e Fagioli."It's nothing," She says with a smile an
Chapter Twelve
Back in England, the Carter manor had smoke billowing out of one window and screams could be heard from within. The guards tried their best to hold back the assailant but failed as they were being attacked by strange weapons that seemed to be coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. A single man calmly walked the corridors as anyone who faced him would collapse, bleeding from nearly every pore and gashing wounds. He would draw strange markings on flat surfaces and bizarre weapons would form the various from unrelated materials. Ambrose was searching every room but could only find maids and nothing else. With every empty room that greeted him, the angier he got. The number of bodies left in his wake was becoming great but he only cared that he found Ariella. He finds a gaurd that was still breathing and grabs him by the collar, "Where are your master and Ariella?" "They're not here?" the guard coughs out, "Must be in some closet getting their freak on-!" Ambrose shuts
Chapter Eleven
The next day, Nell and Ariella grab their bags and make their way to his private jet. The hostest takes their bags and stows them away while they sit in corresponding seats. The pilot starts the engine and, when the got clearance, started off the runway. Once they were at cruising altitude, Ariella takes out the kindle she had gotten from Nell and packed and propped her feet up on his lap. He had his phone out and was playing a game, his hand on her leg and gently drawing circles with his finger. She had finished her book when they were informed that they would be landing soon. She turns to him, "Are you ready for this?" "Maybe not as ready as you. You've been bouncing with excitement since you woke up." A few moments later, they had landed on an airstrip. He steps out and helps her off the steps. "Now, what's first on your schedule?" Over the course of the last few days, Ariella had put together an itinerary of things they could do in each city, what times they would go on a t