Chapter Two

In another part of the mansion, a young man named, Nell Carter, was entertaining his guests as others were admiring some of the inventions he created. He was a handsome man with piercing blue eyes and hair a dark brown. He could be called the male version of Snow White with how white his skin is. He stood tall at 6'8. He easily looked over the heads of nearly everyone in the room.

"Oh, your home is just exquisite, Mr. Carter," an overly adorned woman says. "You must tell me the name of your decorator."

Nell had heard such comments too many times just that evening alone that responding was starting to become tedious. "I'll have to see if they're available for more clients at the moment." He says in a refined british accent.

"Are there any more genius inventions you plan to release, Mr. Carter?" The woman's husband says.

"I plan to take a break and relax after tonight," Nell responds, "I worked on these projects for the better part of a year."

"A well deserved rest, I'm sure," another man says.

From the corner of his eye, Nell saw some movement against the far wall. There was a young woman wearing a red dress who, to others, looked like she was admiring the inventions on display. But he could tell that she had a determined, and almost disgruntled, expression on her face. Almost like she was looking for something specific.

"You just have to meet my daughter," The adorned woman says, waving for a girl to approach. "She is such a wonderful-,"

Nell turns to his guest, "I'm terribly sorry but there is a matter that requires my attention."

The woman starts to panic, "But Mr. Carter, my daughter has been wanting-," She grabs his arm and a guard grabs her hand just as quickly.

"I don’t appreciate being touched with permission. I'm going to have to ask you, your husband, and your daughter to leave the premises at once."

That family were then dragged out, the woman screaming and demanding that she be heard and that she would sue him for the disrespect. He just groans and turns back to find the young woman he saw and starts making his way to her when he saw she was starting to move.

"What do you see in your sector, Ambrose?" Ariella says, barely moving her lips as she spoke.

"I have eye's on the host of the party," Ambrose says. Also not moving his lips enough for anyone to notice, "He seems accupied by his guests. So we should move now while he is distracted."

As to not raise suspicion, Ariella slowly makes her way to a side hallway they were told the weapon would be. As she gets closer, she could feel she was being followed. After she got into the hallway she ducks to the side and waits for the person to appear.

A young man appears in the hallway. Ariella couldn't see what he looked like very well but knew he was wearing a dark suit that seemed to fit him like a glove.

The man pauses before he starts to go further into the hallway. Instead of risking being caught by telling Ambrose what happened, she decided to distract the man as a way of telling him. "Can I help you, sir?"

The man whips around and Ariella finds herself looking into the bluest eyes she had ever seen. They almost looked like saphires of the purest quality. His hair was as dark as espresso and skin as fair as can be. She thought he looked beautiful. She had to crane her neck to see the top of his head. He was even taller then Ambrose.

They just stare at each other for what seemed like hours. The longer he just stared at her, the more her cheeks started to burn. "Can you tell me why you're following me?" she says a little shy.

"Oh," he says, a little embarassed, "I just couldn't help but notice that there was a lovely young woman wondering around my party without introducing herself first."

"Oh, you must Mr. Nell Carter," she says in the best tone she could muster for excitement, "You have a brilliant mind." she thinks back to the items she saw in the hall, "I couldn't help but notice that you seem to have figured out the physics behind a true stealth cloak. Did you use a light fragmentaion in the material or use a unique type of camera to project an image to the opposing force?"

Nell blinked a few times before answering with a crooked smile, "You must be quite bright to have figured all of that out from just a glance."

"You could say that," Ariella gives a flirtatious smile. "Though, I'm sure you've heard the same all your life as well."

"Yes, well, only from those who wanted something from this big brain of mine. Such as those devices, to supposedly make life a little easier, in the hall."

"You need to get him out of that hallway if I'm going to find the weapon instead." Ambrose says through the earwig. He sounded a little angry.

"You know," Ariella says with a smile, "I'm feeling a little bit peckish. Could you show me to the refreshment table?"

"But of course," Nell says and holds out the crook of his elbow, "May I excourt you?"

"Yes, you may," she says, puting her hand on his extended arm, "Lead the way."

The pair make their way to the buffet on the other side of the hall. Ariella discreatly looks towards Ambrose and he gives a nod, but not before he gives a look of jealousy, and makes his way to the hallway.

"I must say you have an interesting accent. Might I ask where you're from?" Nell asks.

"Oh," Ariella was taken aback by the question. But she was trained for such a thing. "My parents traveled all over the world while I was growing up. I must have picked up on the accents."

"Fasinating," he says with another crooked smile.

They reach the buffet table and Nell hands Ariella one of the drinks. She a discreatly takes a sniff and determines it's safe to drink. She takes a sip but realizes too late; It's alchohol. She just holds the drink in her hand.

"The vault is twelve code incripted," Ambrose says, "Applying decryption key."

"So," Ariella says, "your parents must be very proud of you for being such a big success."

"I wouldn't know," Nell says. Seeing the confusion on her face, he continued, "From what the matron at the orpanage told me as a kid, I was abandoned not long after I was born. Though, the sisters who helped raise me are very proud of me." Something in the way he said this made it seem like he held resentment towards those sisters.

"I'm so sorry I asked," she says, start to apoligizing.

"It's quite fine," he says brushing it off, "Most of the public already knew so it's not much of a secret." He takes a sip of his drink.

Ariella was about to say something when loud alarms start blaring. The guests start to panic and security start to head to a determined location.

"I have the weapon," Ambrose says over the noise in the earwig, "Meet me at the rendezvous spot."

"I have to go," Ariella puts the drink down and rushes off before Nell could say another word and meet Ambrose on a balcony on the second floor. As she was running, she reaches into her clutch and pulls out the collapsed hoverbike. Some of the security start to chase after her so she tears the dress to reveal spanks underneath and expertly picks up the pace in her heels. She pulls out the smoke bombs from her clutch to through behind. The smoke temporarily distracts the guards so she can get away. When she reaches the edge of the balcony, she jumps off and throws the bike. It starts to assemble and she lands flawlessly on the bike and meets Ambrose on the way down on his own bike.

On his back is the strange cannon that she assumed was the weapon. "We need to get out of here." he says.

Behind them, they were being pursude by men on motorbikes. They pick up their pace but they were still being closely followed.

"I can't shake them," Ambrose says. He moves closer to Ariella, "Take the weapon and get out of here. I'll lead them away."

"Be careful," she says as she straps the cannon to her back and speeds away.

The other men continue to follow Ambrose but one was still pursuing Ariella. She looks around her to see what she could do to lose him. She sees a small cliff off to the side of her and turns sharply and jumps off. She slowly makes her way down the cliff in her hover bike while her pursuer slid to a stop.

Ariella safely makes it to the bottom and quickly hides after colasping her bike. She tucks away behind a boulder and activates her invisability device just as the other rider comes around the bend.

At first, the man drove slowly, making sure he looked everywhere before moving on.

She was just about to check in with Ambrose when he called in, "Get the weapon to Base!" he sounds frantic, "They have me surounded! Get OUt of...." His communication falls silent.

"Ambrose?" She says over the connection, "Ambrose, come in. Ambrose!?"

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