Gerald just sauntered into his office when his assistant walked over to him with an envelope in hand and a grim look on his face. He looked like the whole world was on his shoulders and when Gerald saw him, he had to crease his forehead into a frown and stop walking.

“Why do you look so dead?”

“Sir, this was sent to the company’s official email address and I had to bring it out for you” he stretched out his hand and Gerald collected the envelope from him.

“What is it about?”

His assistant hesitated for a while, he didn’t know if he was allowed to spill the beans. The information inside the envelope was sure to shatter the big boss,

“I think it will be best if you read it sir”

After talking, he gave a slight bow and hastily made his way out of the office, anticipating Gerald’s reaction to the mail.

After watching him walk out of the office, the old man lowered himself on his reclining chair before tearing the envelope open.

“Mr Gerald, CEO of Gerald automobile.

It is with deep regre
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