The time was past seven when Amira sauntered into the restaurant alongside her dad and the two of them were so engrossed in the conversation that they didn’t notice the waiter who was standing by the door alongside the manager, it was until he called their attention that the two of them turned to him.

“Welcome to royal oak, Mr and miss Omar” he said with a bright smile on his lips, “your private room is on the third floor sir” he added.

“Very well then” Amira replied, “take us”

“Being a businessman is not an easy job brother” Omar added, “we almost didn’t see you there”

“Allah never forsakes the hardworking '' the manager replied and the two of them burst into a conversation while walking towards the elevator.

He led them towards the elevator and in no time, they were both In the room while Alexander stood up to greet them.

“I wasn’t expecting you, Mr Omar” he said as he extended his hand for a shake.

“Amira will not let me hear the last of it, i had to come because of her”

“Thank you
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