Aiden who just closed from work and he was about to get into his car when his phone began to ring and it was an unknown number, sighing he pressed the receive button and put the phone near his ears.


“Doctor Aiden” came Clarrisa’s voice from the other end.

“Who is this? I don’t think I have this contact” Aiden was not sure who was on the line.

“Pardon my manners doctor, I stole your contact from my fiancé and i just wanted to ask you something”

“Clarrisa?” He was not sure.

“Actually, sorry to call so late but i just wanted to ask you something”

The man leaned on his car while placing his phone on the other ear,

“Tell me”

“Is Alex still taking his medications?”

“What do you mean, ma’am?”

“Ummm” Clarrisa paused, she didn’t want to sound like she was prying into Alex’s private life but she really wanted to know. She wanted to be sure If the love he was showing towards her was genuine.

“ The thing is, my fiancé has been behaving weird like he is being extra loving and sensitive tow
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