Gerald was still seated in his study going through some documents, after having a squabble with his kids he didn’t feel like doing anything in particular but ti thought of Bianca still walking the face of the earth annoyed him. Now he was no longer worried about Clarrisa or Dylan finding out but about that woman going to tell on him. The fact that she has not said anything for the past weeks made it even more disturbing, she was planning something and he was sure of it.

“Dad” someone called from the door and he turned to see Dylan by the door.

“I thought you were already asleep, come on in” Gerald beckoned and his son made his way into the room before lowering himself on one of the chairs.

“Why are you still awake though?” Gerald asked again.

“Nothing” Dylan responded as his eyes traveled to the wall clock, “I don’t think Risa may come home tonight”

“Are you here about her or because you are still not clear on what we discussed?” Gerald inquired, he knew his kids more than they could
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