Gerald was having his usual evening tea while his wife was beside him, they were both engrossed in the business news when Clarrisa sauntered into the house looking all mad and angry.

Lately she had been coming home like this which was making her mother too worried for comfort but Gerald knew it was all connected to Alex and his memory loss.

“Mum, dad” she greeted them and made to leave for her room but her mum stopped her and beckoned her to come over.

The only thing Clarissa wanted to do at that moment was just to enter her room and have a soothing shower, her day did not go as planned and it was evident on her face. Bianca stuck to Alex like glue all day and the worst part was that Alex never told her to stop or even try to caution her, at this point it was safe to say that Bianca was Clarrisa bane of existence.

“Why do you look so angry?” Gerald asked when he saw his daughter’s sour expression on her face, “did Alex do something again?”

“What has he not done?” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

“What happened baby?” It was her mum, “talk to me”

“That best friend of his suddenly shows up and is acting all clingy like she knew Alex before me. Technically she did but he is my fiancé and not hers” the thought of Bianca infuriated her the most and the only thing she wanted to do at the moment was pull her hair so tightly and give her a slap across the face.

“Are you allowing another woman to spend time with your man and not you?”

“Oh please mum” Clarrisa gestured with her hands,

“you talking like you don’t know how different Alex is and it’s not his fault okay? His memory is kind of muddled up right now and she is trying to take advantage of that but I won’t let her steal my man”

After she was done talking, Clarrisa turned on her heel and walked upstairs.

“I don’t like the way Alex is treating my baby”

“Alex is not someone we can afford to offend at this point Gwen” Gerald retorted, “we need to play our cards right”

“She is your daughter before becoming that man’s wife Gerald”

“I will handle it”

The two of them were still engrossed in their conversation when the doorbell rang and a worker quickly went to open the door and she bowed in obedience when she saw who was by the door.

“The boss is inside” the maid opened the door wider and he entered.

Alex was dressed in a pair of denim and shirt which made him look more alluring and attractive.

After entering the house, he studied it for a while before making his way to the living room where the husband and wife were having a heated conversation which they both stopped the minute he entered.

This was the third time he was coming to the Gerald Mansion after he got engaged to Clarrisa, the first two were because he was invited for a party and now because he came willingly.

His blood was boiling in anger when he saw how comfortable they looked, he knew for a fact that his

family would be turning in their graves by now.

“I wasn’t expecting you, Alex” Gerald stood up and Stretched out his hand for a shake which Alex readily took with a pretentious smile plastered across his face.

“Good evening Mrs Gwendolyn”

She gave him a smile, “it’s nice to have you here Alex”

“Sorry for barging in at such an hour, I actually came to see Clarrisa”

“Of course” Gwen answered, “she came home looking angry”

“ I know that and that is why I am here”

The smile on his face looked so fake but none of them noticed it, the only thing Alex wanted to do at that point was to burn the whole house to the ground but patience they say is a virtue.

“She is upstairs” Gerald butt in, “I am sure your fiancée will be excited to see you” he added with a smile which made Alex cringe.

“I will check on her”

Without waiting for their response, he quickly made his way upstairs. The more he looked at Gerald, the more he wanted to sniff the life out of the man who made his family disappear from the face of the earth.

The moment he left, Gerald turned to his wife with a smug look on his face,

“Men like Alex don’t like to be chased, they prefer to do the chasing”

Gwen rolled her eyes, “he better let her go if he is not ready to marry her, I don’t want my baby to be left standing at the altar”

“That won’t happen,” her husband replied before going back to his seat.


Clarrisa just came out of the shower with a towel in her hand trying to dry her hair out when a soft knock on her door made her turn. She sighed thinking it was her mum coming to check on her but she was stunned to see Alex standing by her door with an awkward smile on his face.

She was not expecting this man to come so what the hell was he doing in front of her door?

“Alex?” She called to be sure of her eyes because the Alex she knew would never come to her house and not even at a time like this.

“Surprised to see me?” He forced himself to ask. If not for Bianca, he wouldn’t have been here.


An hour ago.

Bianca continued to pace up and down the room while Alex sat typing away on his laptop, he had an angry expression on his face which Bianca was aware of.

“Look Alex” she walked over to him, “I hate your fiancé okay but at a time like this, you can’t push her away”

“So what do you want me to do?”

“Go over”

“Hell no” he spat, “I am not going there”

“I didn’t say you should go there because you are the ideal son in law candidate, okay? Who knows what you might find out if you go there and at a time like this, you have to be extra close to your wife to be. She could be of help and you know it”

“I hate to see that man’s face”

“I didn’t ask you to go drink with him okay?” Bianca furrowed her brows, “just go under the guise of trying to pacify her and maybe you could get a piece of information”.

Alex finally closed his laptop and turned his full attention to her,


“If you really want to fuck that man and his family up then you have to get ready to be well acquainted with them even if it makes you uncomfortable okay?”

He sighed, “okay, I will just get dressed”

“Good, just be careful”

After a few more talks, she walked out of the room to allow him get dressed.


“Yeah,kind of” Clarrisa answered truthfully, “you don’t even agree to come to my house even when I ask so I am a bit stunned that you are here willingly”

The tall man smirked and moved over to her, part of her hair was covering her face so he used his hand and pulled the hair to the back of her ear. An act that made Clarrisa more confused, was something actually wrong with him at this point?

“You got angry that I have Bianca more attention than you right?” He hit the nail right on the head and shs gulped.

“How….” Her voice trailed off again when he collected the towel and held onto her hand.

“I am sorry”

Now Clarissa almost puked, she had the inking to ask if he hit his head because Alex being this sweet was a fairytale that couldn’t be achieved.

“Come, i will dry your hair”

“Are you okay?” She couldn’t help but ask.


He was still holding onto her hand as he led her to her chair,

“Don’t I look okay?”

“I mean” Clarrisa paused for a while, shs didn’t know if she should say it or not, “what I mean is that are you okay? Like why are you suddenly being nice to me”

Alex stopped what he was doing before looking at her through the big mirror, “I am that bad?”

Clarrisa immediately tried to defend herself, “no, that’s not what I meant , like you are hardly ever nice to me so it’s kind of weird to see you acting like this. You were worse when we got engaged at first but you started accepting me little by little until you lost your memory a few days back and you returned to your cold self again so I am kind of surprised that you are acting nice all of a sudden”

Alex wanted to badly laugh, if only she knew what was in his mind.

“Look Clarrisa” he spoke up after a while, “you know me and my mood” this time he placed his two hands on her shoulders, “I thought about it and I have decided to give our relationship a chance okay. So get ready to se more of the sweet Alex”

Her lips immediately curved into a smile, this was what she always wanted. The alex that was only for her and no one else. This Alex rhst was ready to give their relationship another chance of survival.

“Are you sure?”

He scoffed, “isn’t this proof enough? I came down here to see you”

“Thank you so much Alex” Clarrisa squealed in excitement and pounced into his embrace which made him cringe but he immediately masked it up with a fake smile.

“I didn’t know this day would ever come Alex”

“Neither did I” he whispered above her hair with a grim look on his face, how he hated her touch and her face.

She didn’t let go of him until he had to gently push her off and step aside but Clarrisa was really happy, now her relationship was about to bloom.

“No longer upset about Bianca?”

“Why will I? She is married anyway”

Alex smirked, women were really something else.

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