In the middle of the night, a figure stole out of his room and made his way to Gerald’s study. This was the only way he could get the kind of key that was used on that lock. The whole house was quiet and most of the lights were switched off but Alex could find his way around.

After walking for a while, he came to the door and discovered it was locked which was less of an inconvenience for him because Bianca had already taught him how to unlock a door with a hair pin.

Looking around for the umpteenth time, he pulled out a pin from his pocket and in less than a minute, the study door opened.

“Good job” he muttered to himself while his lips curved into a small smirk. Alex held onto the handle gently and pushed the door open before entering.

He slowly made his way towards the drawer and he was lucky enough to still see it there.

Picking up his phone, Alex clicked several pictures of the lock and just as he was about to stand up, the door pushed open and a sihuoutte entered which made him
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