“What nonsense are you sprouting now?” Gerald half yelled and the man in front of him burst into laughter.

“Why are you getting agitated, father in law?” This time he picked up another clean glass before pouring himself some wine.

“Clarrisa told me everything and I am just a bit surprised that Baxter would will everything to you”

Gerald couldn’t believe his ears, “you think I stole the property?”

“Did you?”

This time the two of them were glaring at each other. Alex wanted to so badly inflict personal injury on Gerald but he couldn’t do that at this moment and it was making his blood boil.

“I think you have something against me, Alex”

“I just don’t forgive my enemies”

Before Gerald could say anything again, Dylan walked up to them and he was glad to see his favorite person.

“Brother in law” they shook hands, “I would have prepared a barbecue stand for the three of us if i knew you would still spend the night over”

Alex chuckled a light, “I am having the best time with your father” he g
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