Clarrisa couldn’t help but scoff, this man was as sly as a fox. How did he even know that was what she was thinking about?

A look of embarrassment flashed across her face and she stood up from the sofa before walking towards his huge glass table.

Alex was already engrossed in his work but had to lift his head when he saw her advancing towards his table.

“I was not thinking about sex okay?” Clarrisa defended and a smirk appeared on his face.

“Sure you weren’t” Alex concurred and turned his attention back to his work.

Clarrisa rolled her eyes before stretching out her hand to grab the bag she came with. Everything was Bianca’s fault and she was going to sort it out with her later.

“I brought you lunch” she finally announced, “you left without breakfast and I don’t want your gastrointestinal problems acting up”

Alex sighed and dropped his tablet before leaning on his chair. He didn’t know much about the real Alexander chase but he knew he would also cringe at Clarissa's care for him. He didn’t even want to be in her presence but what could he do at this point? Revenge was not an easy task, was it?

“How about we go on a dinner date tonight?” He questioned while looking at her conspicuously which made Clarrisa smile. It seemed like he was trying to be a better fiancé than he was.

“Are you sure?”

“Just name the place you want to have dinner risa”

She gulped, the way he pronounced part of her name always made butterflies rise in her stomach. This man was an all round perfect.

“Very well then, I will have my assistant book a nice restaurant”

“You should also tell your butler to have the guest room cleaned again”

Her eyes opened wide as saucers, “are you sleeping over tonight?”

Alex smirked and leaned forward, his eyes traveled over her for a while.

“I wouldn’t want to miss a chance to spend with my father in law you see”

Clarissa’s forehead creased into a frown, “since when did you become close with my dad?”

As far as she knew, Alex was not someone that got along with her dad pretty much but here he was excited to see him? Was there something he was not telling her?

“Your dad became my best friend ever since I found out the truth”

Now this piqued her interest and she could also see a mischievous glint dancing at the base of his eyes.

“What truth?”

“You really want to know?” Alex snickered and stood up from his chair before walking across the table and he stood face to face with her, “your dad is a pretty interesting man, you see” his voice was laced with so much sarcasm and Clarrisa could feel it. Alex didn’t bother to hide the loathing in his voice, he hated Gerald too much to do that.

“What the hell is going on, Alex?”

“What do you want to know?”

“What is going on between you and my dad? Did you guys have a fight?”

Alex’s lips curled into a smile before he turned away from her, “ don’t forget to book the restaurant and let me know okay?”

Clarrisa bit her lips before grabbing the bag again, the Alex she knew was not going to tell her anything. The best thing now was to ask her father.

“I will give you a call”

She didn’t bother to wait for his response and sauntered out of the room while the man’s eyes followed her until she disappeared behind the door. The smirk on his lips refused to go away.

His phone beeped with a message and it read:

“This is the locksmith’s number, he is good at what he does”

The smile on his lips intensified, it was time to play some party game.


The moment Clarrisa went out of his office, she immediately called her father who answered on the second ring.

“Don’t tell me you had a fight with Alex again?” His deep husky voice resonated in her ears and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

“I should be asking you that”

“What do you mean?” Gerald inquired again.

“Did you have a fight with my fiancé, dad?”

“Did he tell you we had a fight?”

A frustrated sigh escaped her lips, why were the two of them so mysterious? She didn’t even know whether to cry or laugh.

“Can’t the two of you try to get along more?”

She heard him sigh from the other end of the line, “we didn’t have a fight okay? Why will I fight with him when he is your fiancé “

Clarissa rolled her eyes again, her father could be a drama king on a very good day.

“Don’t lie to me dad, we both know it is because you want to secure a partnership with him. That is why you made us get engaged”

Gerald’s chuckles filled her ears, “you were head over heels for him even before that”

She shook her head, Clarrisa was not even in the mood to deal with her dad at this point.

“He is still coming to spend the night over so be good to him”

Not bothering to wait for his response, she ended the call before quickening her steps.


After Gerald ended the call, the smile on his lips faded and he narrowed his eyes. Alex had never been friendly with him but from what he noticed yesterday, he was getting more distant than usual. Did he have something up his sleeves?

A lot was on his mind when his office door pushed open and Dylan entered.

“A dollar for your thought?” He asked his dad before taking his place on the chair opposite him.

“I thought you had a conference call with the investors from Mumbai?”

“I am done with that, dad” Dylan snickered, “why do you look so tense though?”

“I just had a call with Clarrisa and apparently she thinks I had a fight with Alex”

“But did you?” Dylan asked immediately.

If Gerald wasn’t an old man, he would have rolled his eyes at his son. Was he also obsessed with him?

“Why would I have a fight with him?”

“You shouldn’t have a fight with him dad, he is my role model”

“You are almost on par with him Dylan”

He smiled and leaned forward, “I still have a lot to learn from my brother in law” he then stood up and slowly strode out of the office.

Gerald couldn’t help but scoff, why were the two kids obsessed with that man by the way?

His mind drifted back to a certain someone and his countenance changed for the worse.

Everyday he remembered what happened on that Christmas Eve like it was yesterday but that didn’t make him feel bad. He felt like he actually achieved something after that night, this wealth and this opulence that he flaunted. His motto was “never be afraid to step on the sky if it will take you to your destination”

Gerald was one hell of an ambitious man and giving up was a word not found in his dictionary. He already had it all but being Alex’s partner was a nip in the bud.

“You can’t scare me easily Alex” he muttered under his breath while stroking his chin, “you just can’t”

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