Alex shot out of bed, beads of sweats were forming on his body while he was fidgeting. His whole body was screaming of aches and at that moment he felt like he was about to die.

The nightmare that has been haunting him for several days now was getting much more tortuous than he thought.

Picking up his phone, he saw that he had several missed calls from Clarrisa and a lot of text messages.

Ignoring it, he dialed a certain number and the person from the other side answered on the first ring.

“Hello” Aiden’s sleepy voice filtered into his ears, it was past three in the morning and obviously the young doctor would be sleeping.

“I can’t sleep and I keep having nightmares” Alex said, he knew Aiden was not a therapist but he was still a doctor.

Aiden sighed, “for how long?”

“Two weeks”

“And you are just telling me now?” He sighed again, “I will send some medications for you tomorrow, for now you can listen to some slow songs, it will help you sleep”


After he ended the call, Alex laid
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