A whore

"Clara! Are you planning to deceive my friend?" Ansel said as he got to their table.

Smith didn't expect that Ansel would be here, he wanted to introduce Ansel to Clara but when he heard Ansel mention her name, he assumed that Ansel must have met Clara somewhere.

Perhaps he had treated Clara in the past.

"What are you doing here, Ansel, don't ruin my good moment." Clara sneered, she held up her hands and wiggled her fingers in an attempt to make him jealous.

What she didn't know was that Ansel didn't feel anything towards her.

The feeling he had for her died the moment they divorced.

Ansel shot her a hard glare.

“What are you doing here?” He asked again, this time, his veins bulged and it was obvious that he wasn't here for jokes.

"Hey! My boyfriend just proposed to me, what's your problem?" Clara said, even though the word “boyfriend” sounded a bit strange to her.

She was only with Smith because of a reason and hadn't expected him to propose to her with an expensive ring.

But who was
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