Clara, how shameless can you be?

"Stay out of my way! I'm not giving this back. That's not fair." Clara pouted, she crossed her arms around herself and then went on to pretend like they were the big bullies.

However, Smith's heart was now cold towards her and he felt nothing but disgust.

He went on to grab her hand. Skillfully, he slid the ring down her hand and then got hold of the ring.

Without any more words, Smith walked out of the restaurant angrily.

The heartbreak that he felt was more than enough.

Inside the restaurant stood Clara in shock, she didn't expect that Smith would do something as outrageous as that.

How dare he?

Ansel was also about leaving, but he thought of dropping an advice for Clara before he finally left.

"Stick to Kelvin when next, no one's going to buy this act of yours."

Clara felt ashamed, she turned her face away and then a thought popped into her mind.

Did Ansel ruin her relationship because he was still interested in her.

Could this mean that he still had feelings for her?

If that was
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