Disturbing message

Ansel settled into the couch in his modest new apartment, appreciating that while it may not have been the roomiest of spaces, it certainly met the basic requirements.

He would rather stay in a hole than live with that prostitute he called a wife.

Having only a few bucks left in his pocket, he didn't bother to think of what to eat for dinner, instead he sat in front of the little television and hoped to get sleepy sooner.


His eyes turned to look at his phone, the bright light illuminating from it.

The unannounced interruption had Ansel silently questioning, "Who would have the audacity to intrude on my peace at this hour?" His mood was far from accommodating, given the recent challenges he had faced.

With a sigh of resignation, Ansel reached for his phone on the stool, reluctantly opening the message that had appeared on his screen, despite his unwillingness to communicate with anyone.

His eyes shut open upon seeing who it was, panic washed over him and he immediately adjusted the brightness of his phone to read its contents.

[Mr. Luther, this is to inform you that your employment has been terminated. We will no longer be requiring your services. Please refrain from returning to our premises or reaching out to any of our staff.]

Ansel rubbed his eyes with his palms, thinking maybe he must be seeing things.

What would warrant his boss to send such a disturbing message?

Ansel's work ethic had always stood out among his colleagues, as he tirelessly dedicated himself to his tasks, and it was only a short while ago that his hard work had finally been acknowledged and appreciated.

Promptly, Ansel initiated a call to his Boss, and by the time of the third ring, he had already answered the call, eager to address the situation at hand.

"Mr Peter, you sent me a message, I...I think you must have made a mistake." Ansel said with a nervous laugh, silently praying in his heart for all this to be a dream.

"Do I sound like a joker to you? You are fired, Ansel!"


"But nothing! After all that you have done, we can't afford to have a man like you working for us. Our demands will decrease if you do as much as stepping your feet in our company." Peter said into the phone with an icy tone.

"I have worked my ass to ensure that our service is the best. What did I do to deserve this treatment?" Ansel demanded politely.

At least, he should know the reason why he was being fired.

All this was too much for one day. First, his wife cheated on him and now his boss decided to sack him.

Did he commit a crime to be treated this way?

He had always been dedicated to his wife and his job, giving them all his time and attention.

But what did he get in return? Betrayal and a sack letter.

Ansel gulped down the lump in his throat, Peter had been silent for a while and he feared to say a word.

Wondering what Peter had to say next.

"Haven't you seen the video? Don't pretend like you don't know what's happening." He heard Peter yell angrily and his face went pale in shock as he thought about what video he was talking about.

"What video? I'm in the dark here, tell me what this video is all about."

The next he heard was a beeping sound signifying that his boss had ended the call.

Several messages popped on his feed after and he immediately opened the video, wanting to see what was going on.

The message from his boss read,

[This is the video, watch and see for yourself.]

The moment he tapped on the video, Ansel heard the familiar voice.

"He used to cheat on me, beat me up till I couldn't walk. For months I endured all that he did to me, because I love him. I was blinded by love, I was so stupid that I forgave him everytime he cheated."

When Ansel heard the words that Clara said on a live interview, he balled his fist in anger.

She dared to put the blame on him during a Live interview, how shameless!

As Clara finished her speech, she received a lot of heartwarming messages from the social media users.

"You married a greedy monster!"

"Get out of that marriage fast before he destroys you!"

"Cheaters should be burned alive."

"We love you!"

"Wink if you are in danger"

"Please divorce him, he doesn't deserve you at all."

"Stay away from Ansel, he isn't worth your love. He is nothing but a pauper who yearns for your wealth."

Ansel read the comments, it was not surprising to see that they all believed her and blamed him.

Afterall she played the victim and made him the villain.

Ansel dropped the phone on the table, the video still playing.

What had he done to deserve this?

Meanwhile, Clara smiled happily as she read the comments while in the car with Kelvin.

It was a good thing that Kelvin came up with a lifesaving idea, else she wouldn't have known what to do.

"Thank you darling, the public is buying it." Clara giggled happily, she couldn't take her eyes off her phone screen.

Some comments read.

"Let him be burned alive"

"No woman should ever go near him"

She grinned with joy, happy to know that she had successfully saved herself from the shame and disgrace.

Right from the start, she never had the intention of loving him, he was a fool to believe that she truly felt something towards him.

The only reason why she married him was to establish her family's business but he didn't seem to prove useful.

"Quit reading the comments and give me a kiss. I have a surprise for you." Kevin said, exposing his crooked teeth.

To the normal human, they would have been disgusted by the sight of it but to Clara, beauty doesn't matter as long as there is money.

She didn't care if the man was as ugly as a pig, all she wanted was money and gifts.

Clara inched closer and gave him a long lasting kiss, they ended the kiss and Kevin had a satisfied smirk on his face.

He brought out a necklace from the drawer and showed it to her.

Seeing the huge diamond on the necklace, her eyes shone with greed.

Only Kelvin could treat her like the princess she was born to be.

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