Don't do it, Amelia.

"Deal or no deal?"

Amelia heard Ray's words and sat still, deep in thought. She was considering whether to move forward with the deal or not.

Ray and his people had successfully gotten to the golden flower location the last time they tried but Amelia's hired men were murdered in cold blood.

They didn't even get the chance to get to the top of the Blue moon mountain.

Mark's antique shop was also on the line. Amelia breathed in and out, she wasn't going to give up so easily.

Amelia knew that if she succeeded in this mission, the Caspian family would be forced to leave the city for good, bringing an end to the longstanding feud between the two families.

Amelia turned to look at Ansel. Even though she wasn't familiar with the crescent seeds, she knew that Ansel was a healer and might have some knowledge about them.

But before she could have the chance to ask him, she saw Ansel talk to the two men with a serious face.

"Did you just say the Crescent seeds?" Ansel asked, his eyes showing
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