Sweet offers

"Miss, you don't understand what I'm feeling! I'm about to lose my store because of you!" Mark spat out venomously.

Sighing, Amelia gritted her teeth. Even she had never expected them to demand for the antique store.

It was something that she never saw coming.

At this point, she wished she could unsign the contract.

Amelia understood why Mark was acting like that. However, she was an investor too, so she knew that she would be just as affected by the deal.

"Mark, if you don't want to help me then it's fine. I will also stop investing in this store and take back all that I have given to you." Amelia said coldly, there was no emotion on her face.

Mark shivered slightly, her words sounded like a threat to him.

If she stopped investing in his shop then it meant that the store wouldn't exist in her absence.

Mark had no choice but to agree to whatever she said. He felt thousands of needles pricking his lips as he opened them to speak.

With no other choice, he said quietly. "I'll join you i
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