Killed with one single move

"That's a beast!" Mark, who had never expected to see a strange looking creature in their midst, jumped in fear.

Amelia and Ansel also saw the huge beast.

Its fangs were super long and it was obvious that it wasn't in their midst to play.

This wasn't the first time Amelia was seeing the strange creature, it was even more powerful than it looked.

The last time they went on a mission to the blue moon mountain, just a single one of these had killed hundreds of the hired men.

How did she escape at that time?

Amelia didn't know, but all she knew right now was that she wouldn't let the beast get closer to her friends.

"Keep quiet guys" Amelia whispered softly, the beast with three eyes was blind and couldn't see.

It could only use his sense of smell and that was why Amelia had designed the special suits for them to wear.

It was supposed to mask their smell but how did the beast find them?

Ansel stared at the beast strangely, he had never seen something like that before.

The beast growled lo
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