New ingredients

The car arrived at the old antique store.

Ansel remembered seeing some of the rare ingredients he needed during his last visit.

"Wait for me" Ansel instructed sternly as he got out of the car.

He slammed the door gently and then walked into the antique store, leaving Anthony alone in the Rolls-Royce phantom.

Ansel quickly spotted Mark, the shop owner, tending to customers as he surveyed the antique shop.

However, Mark seemed not to notice him, as he was too absorbed in his calculations to look up.

Ansel walked towards the shelves, he didn't need Mark to tell him where the ingredients were.

Since granduncle broke most of his medicines then he had no choice but to buy them all.

He was hundred percent sure that none of the damaged medicines would be useful.

That meant a lot of work for Ansel and a frown line appeared on his face as he thought about it.

Those medicines had taken him about a year to produce and granduncle threw them on the door like they were nothing.

Ansel decided that h
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