A newborn

The phone didn’t ring for five seconds before Tony picked up the call, and Katerina was surprised. Was he expecting a call? She thought.

“Hello Katerina, not now please, I’m in the middle of a big problem.” Tony sounded disappointed from the other end.

“Lilian just put to bed, that’s why I’m calling, it’s a girl.” Katerina reported the news afraid that Tony might hang up, she wanted to ask him what was really going on.

“Oh! I’m really happy, Katerina, I guess our deal still stands?” Tony’s voice went from disappointed to surprised.

“Yes, it does, but I wanted to ask you, why Laurel?” Katerina questioned, that was the main reason he called him. She could have broken the news to him any time, not immediately after Lilian gave birth.

“I can’t answer that now, Katerina. We would talk about this when this issue on ground is over. Take care.” Tony replied and hung up the phone.

Katerina sighed, glanced around the open space of the hospital before walking back into the building.

She w
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