The emergence of lady Agatha at El Ramon's section of the palace caused instant chaos, as soon as she sighted two of El Ramon's consorts. And her screaming was heard echoing in the room.

"Leeches, get your dirty bodies out of this place now.

"We are paid for three days, and tomorrow is the last day of our contract."

"Be patient, old woman."

"It's your mother that is old and useless," Agatha screamed, walked towards the nude ladies, and slapped the last speaker among the two.

"Old fools, you dare raised your wrinkled arm to slap me!"

"What's going on over here?" El Capone that just emerged from the royal bathroom, with two bathe-lady asked with scorn.

"Your paid consort has the gut to call me old."

"She slapped me first."

El Ramon glared at the three ladies, hissed, and let out. "It's too early for this unnecessary noise," he paused to face Lady Agatha, and let out.

"Your character and jealousy are getting on my nerves."

"What, you dare call me jealous? After everything you p
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