Jasper and the young assassin with him dragged all the dead men into an empty cell, locked the iron gate, and loll on the wall to catch back their breath.

Jasper looked at his comrade and muttered. "Our position had been compromised, we need to change location."

"Yes, but we need to inform others of our new position."

Jasper nodded his head, dipped his hand inside a cross bag on his chest, and brought out a walkie-talkie, then dial some numbers, waited for a while as it ring at the other side of the line, and let out. "We had unwanted visitors at our hideout. We have taken care of them, but need to change our position."

"Be careful and remain invisible until the last minute."

"Okay, hope you have heard from others."

"Yes, they are all okay."

"Call you later," Jasper disconnect the call, signalled to the man with him and both quickly went in search of another hideout.

After several minutes, they emerged from another section of the dungeon, clear off the debris, and sat silently
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