

Leonel kept staring at the food in front of him. Ever since he came back from the parliament meeting on 'how to end his life as he is a threat to the throne,' he has been lost in thought. Maybe it is not so good that he got into this body.

Apart from the part of it being a fantasy world and like one of the video games he had played. His life is at stake here. He once heard that if someone died in the transmigrated world, then one has died in the real world.

'What if this is like Alice in borderland where I have to endure till the end for me to wake up? What if my father is waiting beside my hospital bed for me to wake up? What if he had realized that I was telling the truth the whole time?'

His thoughts raced as he tried to piece it all together then while in his pool of thoughts, the sound of a spoon being forcibly hit on the table brought him out.

"Your highness, I'm afraid you don't have all day to be designing your food."

He looked up to meet Lord Darkwoods stunt expression and it only made him raise his brows.

"Huh?" He asked. Honestly, if the man had said anything, he hadn't heard any. The only thing that managed to bring him out of his thoughts was the appearance of the spoon on the table. At least it's something different, the spoon won't walk itself there unless someone brought it.

"You need to finish eating so that you can have your bath." Lord Darkwoods squeezed the words out. If one thing he didn't like he doesn't like repeating himself but he got no choice here. He just got to protect the prince as he could and be done with it.

"Okay." Leonel replied without looking at him.

After he was done eating, he was led to the bathhouse and asked to bathe. It was as if it had been planned already; his clothes had been packed, and when he finished bathing, he was dressed and now, he is to leave in five hours' time.

Done, he was led back to the courtroom to meet the King and ministers again.

'About what I felt when I was outside, could it truly be right that my magic was restricted here? I can't really say; these demons could be lying about me not having any affinity,' he pondered on the way there. In the memories he had been recalling, he discovered that he had been tested after his grandfather's death to possess no affinity and that was how his uncle gained the throne.

'I mean, no cripple could rule a kingdom.'

In the courtroom, the demon king decided to complete his hypocritical nature by walking down from his throne as if he was walking down the aisle to present a necklace, which he termed an artifact, to Leonel.

According to them, the artifact will make them know his well-being in the human kingdom; maybe he is okay or bad.

Lord Darkwoods also stood up and explained where he's going to stay until he was finally entrusted to the noble hand.

'Guess…I'm finally stuck with this handsome dude then,' he sighed.


A figure dressed in a blue robe could be seen walking towards the east wing of the demon kingdom capital city with a frail-looking young boy who seemed to be around twelve years old. The two figures were Lord Darkwoods, the assigned guard to take Leonel to the human kingdom, and the boy beside him was none other than Leonel.

Well…since he was malnourished, he couldn't help but look no older than twelve years old even though he was a damn long seventeen years old. And just as this frustrates me, it also couldn't help but frustrate Leonel who was currently stuck in a kid's body.

'Well…I'll agree he's seventeen years old, but then why look twelve? What does he want ladies to do when he gets into a pleasure room?' These thoughts kept swirling in Leonel, who had come to take a liking to the demon females he had been seeing in the pleasure house nearby.

His lips couldn't help but keep salivating, but then again. A twelve-year-old body! Fuck it!

Soon, after walking for a while, they reached where they were going, the biggest portal in the demon kingdom. It connects to all parts of their world. They needed to be careful while using it so as not to mistakenly enter the undead realm, especially if one has no skills.

"This is the largest portal in the demon kingdom and it's situated in the capital city. Unlike humans who channel their portals with their light mana stones, we do it with our demonic mana stones," Lord Darkwoods explained as he stopped in front of the portal.

The portal looked like a raging black tsunami ready to swallow them, which made Leonel wonder how it connected to the human kingdom. He couldn't help but be fascinated by the structure. Was the world he was in the future? Earth couldn't even think of wielding this kind of power. Did they even know what magic was in Britain?

'Well…quite good for me, I get to try all this if this damn body of my host can stop being useless and function,' he thought.

Lord Darkwoods motioned for him to hold his hand, and they jumped into the rolling tsunami, or at least that's how he saw it.

He just hoped he wouldn't die here. He honestly didn't trust the devilish-looking demon king, not that he had any other way to look before.

The inside of the portal was really dark when they entered, until the demon lord decided to ignite a wand-like object he brought out of thin air to provide light. Leonel was about to tell him that he could see perfectly well without it, but decided against it.

He wasn't sure whether he could trust this demon, so he kept his mouth shut about all the changes happening in his body. Well, he only had a limit to how much he could close his mouth as he opened it curiously again.

"How does this thing work?" he stupidly asked the silent Lord.

"I already told you before entering. The demonic mana stones and crystals," he curtly replied.

'He seems to be a man of few words. He had also been like this when he had come to get me,' Leonel thought.

"Yes, sorry. I mean, how are you so sure that we'll get to the human kingdom in this?" he inquired again. Honestly, he wasn't in the least bit interested in how they were going to get there. Rather, the quietness in this place frustrated him. And again, the energy he had been feeling felt cramped in here.

"Listen," the Lord sternly uttered, "I believe the demon king wants you dead, but I'll try my best to keep you safe since the previous demon king had entrusted you to our hands before he died. So, listen to whatever I tell you to do. That's the best way."

"Kill?" Leonel feigned ignorance as he produced the most believable expression of being in the dark.

"Have you been treated well in the palace? Also, tell me, where did you come back from? Where were you lost?" he asked, his gaze fixed on him. It felt like he knew something.

'What should I tell him? Should I tell this guy the truth? That I'm not their young prince? How absurd,' he thought and then opened his mouth again.

"I actually don't recall anything about how I got here; my memories are all hazy. The last thing I remember was that someone hit me on my head."

"Figures," Lord Darkwoods said. "Okay, brace yourself, we are getting out now. Also, make sure you always wear that ring on your finger."

"Huh?" Leonel raised an eyebrow.

'Come to think of it, I never noticed the ring on my finger. What's the story behind it for this guy to remind me about it?' His thoughts were all discarded as a bright light suddenly showed onto his face.

His hand was immediately seized by the demon lord, and he instinctively jumped and followed him out. Well, he almost forgot that the guy told him they were getting out soon.

"That was so close," he muttered, then turned to the lord and asked, "Do demons get out of this place often?" But his other words got caught up in his mouth at the sight before him.

'Truly, the devilish being wants me dead.'

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