The Demon King

"Lord Darkwoods…what sort of name is that? Are you related to woods or something?" Leonel muttered under his breath, but he forgot that he was dealing with demons here.

"Kind of. I'm the lord of all sorts of medicine and poisons. That's my family name," he replied.

"Oh…" Leonel nodded as he took a look at the formidable man again.

'Does he and the initial owner have a kind of relationship? He seems kinder than the memories I have been recovering,' he thought.

Putting all his thoughts aside, he lifted his foot and entered the grand room with the noble demon.

In the room, he was quite amazed by the setting. It had a large space and looked more like a courtroom. There were seats on each side of the room, and a space was left in the middle of the two parallel seats. Then above, sitting elegantly, was one who he assumed to be the leader of the meeting.

While still lost in his thoughts, he felt himself being kicked in the knees as he fell face flat on the floor. He looked beside him to see the person who kicked him, only to receive glares and whispers.

"What do you think you are doing? That's the demon king, you don't look him in the eyes," he heard the words incoherently.

'Well…fuck it, he isn't kind. Who kicks someone like that?' he cursed, but then he remembered something and his face widened in shock.

'So the person I assumed to be the leader is the demon king?'

He raised his head while still kneeling to sneak a peek at the demon king before him. The person looked formidable, befitting of his title. Seated elegantly on the golden black seat, huge horns on his head, and blood-red eyes. His aura brimmed with dark energy — he didn't even know how he got that word.

But as he kept looking at him, the thought that kept coming to his mind was, 'That should actually be my position, how would it be if I am the demon king?'

"It seems that my nephew is quite curious about me today," amidst all his shocked expression and treasonous thinking, he heard the cold voice of the demon king.

He finally came back to his senses and used his charming skills. While he was still on earth, his charming skill was one of his highest possessions.

"No, your highness. I was blown away by your formidable look," he replied before looking back down.

The demon king laughed. "The last time I saw you, you were some scared little rat, when did you become this way?"

"Huh?" Leonel looked stupefied. "He called me a scared," he muttered

"What should I say?" He hurriedly asked the demon kneeling beside him and he only got a 'I don't know, maybe thank him,' look in return.

"Thank you, your Highness," he also stupidly followed his advice. Not that he has any to use.

"hahaha…" the king laughed again. "I didn't know you were this funny. That's so good, you both can stand up," he said.

"Well…that's good, I guess," he said to the demon only to see him thank the demon king and took a seat beside the demons he assumed were the members of the parliament.

"I'm happy that we decided to have a meeting concerning my nephew's life today and all you ministers showed up," the formidable voice of the demon king sounded across the room.

'They are having a meeting because of me, oh…' Leonel thought. Right now, he doesn't know what to do but he knows that he's currently standing like a fool.

"Lord Darkwoods, please stand up and recount the reason for our meeting," the demon king instructed.

"Yes, your Highness," he said as he stood up and bowed. "In the last meeting, your Highness was very concerned about the disappearance of the Prince, so you decided to make an effort to ensure it doesn't happen again if he is found. Now that he is, that's the reason why we are here."

'I thought it was nice being the center of attention, but it's definitely not now. Not when some demon-looking men are having a discussion about me, and honestly, that king doesn't look friendly, not when I'm a threat to his throne.' Leonel silently thought as he watched them all talk.

He was getting really tired of their discussion and didn't even bother to put much attention into it. That hit him really hard as he heard his name called from his pool of thoughts.

"Yes," he replied, and instantly he felt all eyes on him.

Then the demon who had called him decided to remind him again, and that snapped him out of his thoughts. The king had called him, and he had replied with a 'yes'. Seems he's ready to lose his head, quite a way to show treason.

"Sorry, your Highness, I was lost in my thoughts," he humbly replied again.

"It's okay," the demon king flashed a smile, which he had already tagged as being hypocritical. "My minister and I have come to a conclusion, and we decided to discuss it with you to hear your opinion."

"What is it, your Highness?" he responded again.

"Would you like to go to the human kingdom to live for a while until you get a bit older to care for yourself, or do you still prefer one of the nobles to take you in for a while?" The question was thrown at him.

"Huh!" He exclaimed but then quickly cautioned himself. "Your Highness, any decision you make is perfect. You know what's best for me," he replied.

'Holy mother of Jesus, what did I just do? Will this guy give me a good decision? The young boy was in the palace and treated like shit. What will happen if I go live with a noble? Just kill me. And what will happen if I get sent to live with the humans? Just tell me how I won't die on the way there.'

"Okay, dear nephew," the unmistakable fake smile flashed at him again.

The demon king turned to face the ministers and decreed.

"My nephew will be taken to the human kingdom to live there for a while until things cool down here."

'Well… screw me!' Leonel cursed inwardly.

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