Dead or not?

Dead or not?

For some time, he kept dodging.

But then, the assassin stopped. Leonel was quite worried now, he didn't know what this guy had in mind, he would just be very happy if he could come out alive but then, luck wasn't on his side.

"This is not good…" he muttered. He watched as the assassin sword showed a bright blue light which it hadn't shown before.

It turned out that the assassin thought that he would be able to take out the affinity less prince without needing his sword or magic but it turned bad since the little fellow kept moving up and down leaving him no choice.

'I want him dead,' he remembered the words his master had said to him and he was ready with all his might to carry on his duty.

"I'm sorry your Highness, but I got to do this," the assassin said before fully lunging at Leonel with his sword.

"Hell no! You are sick!" Leonel shouted as he ran away from the assassin's sight. The forest was a big one, as if in cue with them, the wind kept on swaying, moving the leaves on the tree. The sun was about to set but that didn't disturb the work of the assassins.

"Don't make this hard for me," the assassin said to Leonel who kept moving about again.

"The fuck! As if I'll come to you with my neck like a shrimp for you to kill!" He shouted at the assassin again but his words seemed to be the last one.

He suddenly felt the change in atmosphere. The wind moved and the assassin was right in front of him. Without giving him any chance to say his last words, he lunged his sword right into his heart.

He wasn't even given a chance to plan his next defense. He tried a bit, holding out even though he had no magic, he was able to force the assassin to use his magic but still yet, it turned out that there was nothing he could do without the magic.

Leonel held unto the sword fully embedded in his chest while looking into the eyes of the masked man. The assassin forcedly drew out the sword, earning a mouthful of blood out of Leonel's mouth as he coughed out. His chest kept dripping of blood, staining the floor.

He was at a loss of words. He didn't know what to say but he knew that he was in a lot of pain. He felt as if the ability to feel pain had been enhanced by tenfold.

He felt the world turn as he fell on his knees to the floor.

The assassin wasn't done there as he slashed at him again and finally made him fall chest down on the floor.

He was in a pool of his own blood. It all looked funny to him. It had always been a hyperbole to him but now it's currently happening to him. His thoughts kept on racing real fast.

He could suddenly feel everything. The sounds of the other assassin fighting in the forest, the heartbeat of the assassin in front of him, the sounds of birds chirping, the sound of water dripping. He could hear everything.

He knew it, he was about to die. He was quite devastated. Was he truly not going to enjoy this world, learn magic and become the demon king? He suddenly missed his home in Manchester. Right now, he just wanted to go back home and hug his father..

Finally, after all. Leonel's eyes closed as tear drops rolled down his face.

'So pathetic!' He lamented as his body gave up the ghost.

"My Lord, please confirm if he's down," the assassin said into a mirror-like object which he was holding. It's the word transmission artifact in the world and currently, the assassin was informing his master of his deed.

"Confirmed, he's dead. The life-resonating artifact crystal is dead, you can take the artifact off his neck and bring it back. Well done." The voice resounded from the mirror.

"Okay, my Lord," the assassin said. As the message ended, he put the word transmission artifact back into his spatial artifact and did as instructed. The dim necklace was removed from Leonel's limp body.


In the dead of night, exactly where Leonel had been stabbed, his body laid in his pool of blood and the moonlight aided in shedding more light to the view.

His breathing had long stopped and he had given up the ghost. What remained was for the grim reaper to come and get his soul. But the question still remained, was he going back to Britain or dying for good?

These two questions were answered by the next actions. Suddenly, admist the silent forest, the ring gently resting on Leonel's hand shown a bright golden light.

Then, seeps of black smoke came out of it and seeped into Leonel wounds, healing it. The golden light shaped as a ring flew into Leonel's head. The ring disappeared from his finger and if one looked closely, a golden mark was carved on Leonel's forehead beneath his long hairs which covered it.

Faint voices could be heard in the forest after the phenomenon. The once silent forest now echoed of a person's voice who seemed to be in distress.

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