A strange woman.

A strange woman.

"Leonel!! Leonel!!" The unmistakable voice of the demon, Lord Darkwoods echoed through the forest.

It took a while before he was finally able to fend off all the assassins. It was not like he actually fended them off because suddenly while he was still fighting with them and almost on the verge of passing out, the assassins stopped fighting him and retreated before he passed out.

He could have been dead now, but he didn't die so he doesn't know what actually happened.

When he woke up, he decided to look for the young prince, hoping real hard that he was not dead.

He kept on calling his name and walking through the dark forest with no light to look for him. He was in a very critical condition and the only thing that kept him going was the promise he had made to the previous king. He couldn't think of not obeying him, that was what kept him going even though his knees were almost giving up.

He kept on calling his name with no answer until he stumbled on something hard, yet soft and wet making him fall down.

He used his hands and night sight to search through the floor to check what went wrong.

His hands met with a very cold body and a wet substance which he assumed to be blood. He summoned the last bit of mana in him to fuel the light orb with him to check the identity of the person he touched.

And there, it was Leonel deeply soaked in his blood. 'Is he still alive? Have I failed?' his thoughts raced on as he quickly moved closer to check if he was alive.

He removed his head from his chest with a sigh. "He is alive." He stood upright with his hands placed on his knees and bent back down to lift the passed out Leonel up.

He held him up and tried his best to place him on his back. Done, he moved his legs as he found his way out of the forest.


In a dimly lit room, a frail figure could be seen lying on the bed which was situated on the farther end of the left hand side of the room. The room was at normal temperature and even though it was neither cold or warm, the figure kept on sweating and writhing in its sleep.

"No! Help!" Leonel shouted out to reality. He sat up straight on the bed as he rubbed his hands on his body and then his chest.

'Yes, right, if I got hit by a truck, the hospital in Britain should still be able to treat me. I possibly couldn't die since they got the best doctors.' he thought as he playfully used his hand to hit his head.

'But why does it feel like I'm forgetting something,' he scrutinized his gaze very hard as he tried to remember something and then he did.

"Shit, I almost forgot that. How the hell am I alive!" he suddenly exclaimed. His hands found his way to his chest, then his heart and to his surprise, it was all well.

He wasn't soaked in his blood nor was there a big wound in his chest or heart. He was healthy.

Leonel looked around. 'Where am I? Is this heaven? I could swear I died there. My heartbeat stopped or not?' he contemplated as he removed the covers covering his body.

He looked down at himself. He was neatly dressed in black pants and white top. And then, his hair had also been packed to the back.

'This truly can't be home or a hospital. The clothes are hugely faded and this isn't the current style in Manchester. Who still wears this hard woven cloth?' he thought as he looked at himself.

He wondered what happened. His leg moved forward and he continued looking around. The room was one comfy looking room. A normal temperature, a small table and a mirror.

'Oh…yes, a mirror. Exactly what I need,' he said as he rushed towards the place.

"Oh my God!" Leonel exclaimed as he saw himself in the mirror. It can't be.

"What is wrong? What happened?" A woman rushed in as soon as he shouted.

But Leonel couldn't even be bothered about her. His eyes stared daggers into the mirror and it seemed as though his eyes could break the mirror if not careful.

Staring back at him was a young frial boy about 6 '2 tall, 'quite tall for his age.' he noted.

He had long hair which had been sweeped neatly to the back and tied and then his forehead and eyes were what mesmerized Leonel. This was exactly what made him freeze in shock.

The body which he was currently inhabiting had two different eye colors, blue on his right and blood red on his left.

Leonel lifted his hand up and used it to cover his blue eyes. His aim was to check whether his red eye was even functioning.

To his amazement, it was functioning really well. Apart from the eye color, his forehead also stared back at him. Lying neatly carved in the center was a golden small mark on his head.

He didn't notice all this while in the demon kingdom, not that he could actually notice it. He didn't have any mirror to check himself.

But overall, Leonel was giddy for one thing now.

"Damn! This boy is handsome as fuck! Dude, I just need some exercise to get those muscles." He muttered out only to get startled by the next voice that sounded after him.

"Child, hope nothing is wrong?" The lady who came in after hearing his shout said. Her face was plastered with worry and distress.

"Huh?" Leonel turned to look at her. "Who are you?" He asked, startled.

"You have been standing in front of the mirror for quite a long time," she said. She moved closer to him and stretched her hand forward to hold his hand but Leonel instantly reacted reflectly.

His reaction earned him a pained cry as he hit his head on the wall.

"Ouch!" He exclaimed as he held onto his head.

"Ah…sorry. I only wanted to lead you to the bed. Come here," she said.

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