Holy War : Wish Crystal

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Holy War : Wish Crystal

By: YOWAIMO Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 12 views: 16

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Loren, a young office worker stuck in a monotonous life, feels crushed by the weight of his workload and a toxic, unsupportive work environment. After being betrayed by his co-workers, he loses the job he once loved. At home, his partner Marie is demanding and unsympathetic, further isolating Loren and leaving him feeling lost and directionless. Struggling under overwhelming pressure and despair, Loren tries to end his life. Just when he hits rock bottom, a mysterious ancient manuscript unexpectedly responds to his despair, pulling him into a strange and dangerous world. Loren is now a participant in a “Holy War” where different races battle each other to claim powerful crystals that can grant any wish. Initially overwhelmed and confused, Loren struggles to understand the purpose of the war. But as time passes, he becomes intrigued by the challenge and begins to train, unlocking his potential. What began as a fight for survival transforms into something more. Loren now has a purpose, to save the world from evil power!

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12 chapters
CHAPTER 1: THE BEGINNINGLoren, a 28-year-old employee at a large corporation, finds himself trapped in a world of ambition and deceit. While he appears to lead a normal life with a stable job, a comfortable apartment, and a partner who once believed in his potential, he feels hollow inside. The daily grind has turned into a battleground of backstabbing and sabotage, isolating him further despite his commitment to integrity.Loren’s competence is overshadowed by accusations of incompetence. On the day he is called to the executive room for the third time, a sense of dread settles in.“Loren, you’ve been called to the executive room again,” his colleague says, feigning sympathy."What's it this time?" he mutters."He is done for" his friend whispered with a smirky smile.Inside, his boss's face is a mask of fury. "Why did you delete all of our company’s asset data? What are you trying to accomplish?""What? That’s impossible! I swear, I didn’t do it," Loren stammers, his heart racing.
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CHAPTER 2: STRANGE POWERHoward began to explain that Loren had inadvertently become involved in a "Holy War" a brutal war that involved various races from across this strange world. Each participant was chosen to fight one another to collect magical crystals that held extraordinary powers capable of granting a single wish to the victor."You’re not from here," Howard continued, his voice low and urgent. "But somehow, your fate is tied to this battle. If you don’t fight and win a crystal, you won’t be able to return to your world."Confused, Loren felt like he had stepped into a nightmare. "But… I don’t know how to fight," he said, desperation creeping into his voice. "I don’t even know how I ended up here."Howard fixed him with an intense gaze. "That’s why I’m here," he replied firmly. "I’ll teach you, but you have to trust me and train hard. They are after you, especially once they realize you’re unprepared."As they spoke, Howard elaborated on the threats looming over them. T
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CHAPTER 3: THE ELVES AND THE VILLAGE OF HEILENNelaeryn, the summoner, and Anfalen, the elven archer, fled the battle after witnessing Loren unleash his incredible power. Loren’s quick victory over Olalen, the formidable elven warrior, left them trembling in fear. “Damn it, did you see that? What kind of power was that?” Nelaeryn exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock.“My blinding light wasn’t long enough to counter that attack. He crushed us without a hitch,” Anfalen replied, his voice laced with frustration.“We need more help to deal with them especially after Olalen was defeated so easily.” Realizing their own strength would not be enough to defeat Loren and Howard, Anfalen suggested.“But the more of us involved, the greater the risk. He might kill us all in an instant.” Nelaeryn shook her head, hesitant. “We have no choice,” Anfalen replied firmly, determination hardening his voice. “We must return to Montmart and seek help from the Assassins.”They soon returned to Montmart, th
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CHAPTER 4: THE FIRST CRYSTAL BATTLE PART 1After recovering in Heilen Village, Loren, Howard, and Anne had no time to rest. A rumbling sound from the ground shook the village, and the large shadows of ogres began to loom in the distance. They came quickly, their red eyes burning with anger as they searched for the newly detected crystal.Loren, who had just begun to understand his powers, felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through him. The legendary sword in his hand felt lighter now, as if he had become one with the magical power within it, yet a knot of anxiety tightened in his stomach. This was his first real battle, and he could sense the weight of their lives resting on his shoulders.Howard, on full alert, began to cast a spell to create a protective barrier around the village. The air crackled with energy, heightening the tension. Meanwhile, Anne took out her prized harp. Her slender fingers strummed the strings nimbly, producing a soft melody that enveloped them in healing po
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CHAPTER 5: THE FIRST CRYSTAL BATTLE PART 2"Anne, we need more power!" Howard shouted.Anne played the harp more intensely; the notes she played were not only healing but also providing Loren and Howard with additional strength. It was Crescendo. The soft light from the harp began to envelop them, making Loren's every move faster and stronger.Anfalen cast Blinding Light once more, summoning three small, dazzling fairies to confuse the enemy. But this time, Loren was ready. With flashes of memories becoming clearer in his mind, he closed his eyes for a moment, sensing the direction of the attack with his intuition. As Anfalen tried to attack with his summons, Loren nimbly leaped toward the fairies, slashing them before they could cripple his team.Nelaeryn fired another Ensnare Arrow, trying to trap them in a net. However, Loren, with his enhanced reflexes, dodged the attack with a quick jump, turning the tables to confront Nelaeryn.Vy, seeing her partner in danger, immediately cast
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CHAPTER 6: THE SECRET OF THE LEGENDARY SWORDIn the corner of the dark room where Zharok stood, heavy footsteps were heard. Another figure, a Death Knight, emerged from the shadows, wearing thick, rusty armor and a helmet cracked at the forehead. The same green light shone from the eyes of the helmet. The greatsword he held gave off a cold aura, as if it were sucking the life out of the air around it.“They may have won that fight” the Death Knight said in a low, deep voice.“But the power of the crystal has not been fully utilized. They do not even know its true potential.”Zharok laughed, a sound that resembled a combination of the last gasps of the dead and the roar of gloomy thunder.“That’s right. That is their weakness. They have the crystal, but they do not know how to use it. I can smell their ignorance from here. They are merely pawns in this game.”The crystal ball in front of Zharok shimmered for a moment, emitting a light that depicted Loren and his group as they began to
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CHAPTER 7: HISTORY OF THE HOLY WAR"Long ago, before the current holy war, there were only three races fighting: Humans, Undead, and Elves," Eleanor began. "That battle was very different. There were no seven crystal shards like today there was only one great crystal that was the center of power and desire for all races."Loren listened intently, while Howard and Anne, who were standing nearby, also focused on the story."Back then, the great crystal had the power to change reality. Whoever touched it would become the ruler of this world. But as you know, such power attracts hatred and greed. War broke out, and the Undead, led by King Tharoth, attacked brutally, slaughtering entire armies of Elves and Humans.""As I stood before Tharoth, I could feel the darkness seeping into my bones. The temperature suddenly dropped drastically, and Tharoth's every step shattered the ground beneath him, making it feel like the end of everything."Tharoth swung his giant black staff, a weapon made f
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CHAPTER 8: NEW ENEMY“The location of the second crystal has been determined.” The system that controlled the holy battle announced that the crystal had been detected in the southern mountains, right in the territory of the Dragonians. The Dragonians, a race with incredible physical strength and magic, would not be easily defeated.“We need to move now, if the Dragonians already know the location of the crystal, we might be too late.” Howard said. As Loren, Howard, and Anne prepared to head to the second crystal, a thick cloud of smoke suddenly enveloped them. Two robots emerged from the fog, one with a whirring gun and the other firing small explosions that made the ground tremble. The two robots appeared to be highly trained and coordinated. Without warning, they opened fire on Loren’s team, who were immediately caught off guard and cornered. The gunfire continued to pour down on them from all directions, forcing them to act quickly.“Howard, give me a shield!” Loren shouted, tryi
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CHAPTER 9: THE BATTLE OF THE UNDEAD AND THE CHIMERAThe southern mountain region, known as the "Heavenly Mountains," was a breathtaking sight. Towering peaks seemed to float above the clouds, their snow-covered summits glistening in the sunlight. Thick white mist hung over deep valleys, while a cool breeze rustled through the boulders and steep cliffs. Hidden behind mossy stone walls, ancient shelters lay undisturbed, and swift rivers flowed gracefully through the valleys, adding to the area’s beauty. The Dragonians, who inhabited this serene landscape, lived in harmony with their surroundings, uninterested in holy combat only in maintaining the balance of their land. However, this tranquility was shattered by the looming presence of an undead army led by the Death Knights and Zharok, a cruel and merciless necromancer. Countless corpses, moving with stiff motions, filled the steep slopes of the mountains, creating a bleak and terrifying sight. They were relentless, advancing with a
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CHAPTER 10: LOREN AND ZHAROK'S ENCOUNTERThe Death Knight moved with incredible power. Every time Vy attempted to strike, the Death Knight effortlessly blocked her blows, his sword spinning to counter each slash and thrust. Nelaeryn's arrows slammed into his armor, but they bounced off harmlessly, causing no significant damage.Seeing their attacks ineffective, Anfalen once again invoked his Blinding Light, concentrating his small fairies into a single, large ball of radiant energy. He raised his hand and released the brilliant sphere, which shot toward the Death Knight and exploded in a dazzling flash of light.However, the Death Knight was no ordinary foe. With a single swipe of his sword, he sliced the light in two, dispersing it like smoke. With a ferocious roar, he charged toward Nelaeryn. Vy and Anfalen shouted warnings, but Nelaeryn, who was preparing her bow, was too slow to dodge.In a powerful swing, the Death Knight slashed at Nelaeryn. His dark blade cut through the air wi
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