In the corner of the dark room where Zharok stood, heavy footsteps were heard. Another figure, a Death Knight, emerged from the shadows, wearing thick, rusty armor and a helmet cracked at the forehead. The same green light shone from the eyes of the helmet. The greatsword he held gave off a cold aura, as if it were sucking the life out of the air around it.

“They may have won that fight” the Death Knight said in a low, deep voice.

“But the power of the crystal has not been fully utilized. They do not even know its true potential.”

Zharok laughed, a sound that resembled a combination of the last gasps of the dead and the roar of gloomy thunder.

“That’s right. That is their weakness. They have the crystal, but they do not know how to use it. I can smell their ignorance from here. They are merely pawns in this game.”

The crystal ball in front of Zharok shimmered for a moment, emitting a light that depicted Loren and his group as they began to move away from the village. 

“We must act before they have time to understand the power of the crystal.”

The Death Knight nodded slowly, raising his sword slightly. 

“I will gather my troops. They will not be able to get far before the dark magic catches up to them.”

Zharok shook his head slowly, his eyes still glued to the crystal ball. 

“No. We will play smarter this time. The undead are always a visible threat. I want them to feel the creeping fear before they realize what is really after them.”

He stared straight into the crystal ball and began to chant in the ancient dark language. The crystal ball slowly turned, showing the next location where the second crystal would appear in the southern mountains, where the Dragonians the gods of the dragons lived.

“This is the time.” Zharok continued, looking at the Death Knight. 

“We will not only go after their crystal. We will seize it when they begin to seek the second crystal. They will be divided, weak, and unfocused. Let the other races destroy them first while we move to get the second crystal. Then, humans will no longer be a threat.”

The Death Knight smiled cruelly beneath his helmet, then turned and disappeared into the darkness, leaving Zharok to continue staring at the crystal ball. The dark aura around his room grew stronger, hinting that a great war between the races was imminent. Zharok raised his gleaming staff and said with hatred, 

“The human race has always been weak. And they will be destroyed with or without crystals.”







When morning came, they hurried to the ancient temple. 

“I can’t wait to learn the secret of this sword,” Loren said. They traveled a long way through dense forests and rugged mountains. Along the way, Anne used her magic harp to protect them from the dangerous creatures that inhabited the area. The soft sound of the harp resonated with nature, creating an energy barrier that prevented attacks from wild animals and monsters.

Howard led the way, showing the path to the temple that was hidden atop an old, abandoned hill. He looked increasingly serious and cautious because he knew this temple was no ordinary place. Many long-forgotten secrets and dangers were buried there.

Loren, on the other hand, was increasingly haunted by strange flashes of memory every time he held the sword. Every step he took became heavier, as if something were holding him back. Images of fierce battles and strange creatures flashed through his mind. He began to feel a deeper connection with the sword, but he still didn’t understand what exactly made it so special.

"I feel like... this sword is calling me here," Loren said in confusion, looking at the sword that was now shimmering faintly.

"The sword has a long history, Loren. It contains far more power than you might think," Howard replied, occasionally glancing at the sword with reverence. 

"My friend believes that this sword is the key to winning this holy war. But only in this temple can we find the answer."

After a long journey, they finally arrived at an ancient temple hidden amidst old ruins. The building looked as if it had been forgotten by time, with large pillars covered in moss and vines. However, amidst the destruction, a strong aura of magical power could still be felt. In the center of the temple, there was a large altar covered in ancient carvings in a language they did not recognize.

"This is it. This is the place I was talking about," Howard said, pointing to the altar that was shimmering with a mysterious light.

Anne approached the carvings around the altar and began to play the strings of her harp softly.

"I feel something powerful here... this energy is unlike anything I've ever felt before," she said in concentration.

"Truly, this is a place full of mystical power."

Loren slowly approached the altar, feeling the sword in his hand grow heavier. As he placed the Sacred Relic on the altar, a sudden ray of light shot out from the ancient carvings. The light enveloped the sword and slowly formed the shadow of a knight that appeared before them. The knight was Eleanor, an ancient warrior who had once been the owner of the Sacred Relic.

"Who are you?" Loren asked, stunned by the shadowy figure that appeared before him.

Eleanor, with her dignified gaze, looked at Loren. 

"I am Eleanor, a knight from ancient times. This sword is my inheritance, and only those with the strength and courage to shoulder a heavy destiny are worthy to hold it. However, Loren, even though this sword is in your hands, you have not yet fully awakened. There are secrets you must learn within yourself before you can use the full power of this Sacred Relic."

Eleanor explained that the Sacred Relic was no ordinary sword. Locked within the sword was an ancient power that could only be accessed by one bound to the destiny of holy war. Loren was the chosen one, but he was not yet fully ready to use it.

“You have seen flashes of battle in your mind, have you not? They are visions of the future and the past. Each time you fight, you are one step closer to full awakening,” Eleanor said, looking deeply into Loren’s eyes. 

“But remember this: great power comes with great sacrifice. And to fully control the Sacred Relic, you will be faced with difficult choices.”

Howard and Anne listened intently, realizing how important this journey was to Loren. Anne, who had become involved in this holy war, though hesitant at first, began to feel a sense of shared responsibility. They were not just fighting for their own safety but for the fate of the entire human race.

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