The Death Knight moved with incredible power. Every time Vy attempted to strike, the Death Knight effortlessly blocked her blows, his sword spinning to counter each slash and thrust. Nelaeryn's arrows slammed into his armor, but they bounced off harmlessly, causing no significant damage.

Seeing their attacks ineffective, Anfalen once again invoked his Blinding Light, concentrating his small fairies into a single, large ball of radiant energy. He raised his hand and released the brilliant sphere, which shot toward the Death Knight and exploded in a dazzling flash of light.

However, the Death Knight was no ordinary foe. With a single swipe of his sword, he sliced the light in two, dispersing it like smoke. With a ferocious roar, he charged toward Nelaeryn. Vy and Anfalen shouted warnings, but Nelaeryn, who was preparing her bow, was too slow to dodge.

In a powerful swing, the Death Knight slashed at Nelaeryn. His dark blade cut through the air with deadly speed, striking her brutally. Blood spilled onto the sacred ground of the dragon temple as Nelaeryn fell, screaming in pain.

“Nelaeryn!” Anfalen shouted in rage, unleashing another series of light orbs toward the Death Knight, though he knew it would not be enough to avenge his friend’s death.

Seeing her friend fall, Vy attacked with incredible fury. Her movements became aggressive and wild, striking at the weak points in the Death Knight’s armor. Yet, the undead knight did not falter, displaying remarkable resilience.

The Death Knight stood tall before the shining crystal, his black helmet turned toward Vy, who glared back with unbridled rage. The sight of Nelaeryn's death fueled Vy’s anger, coursing through every muscle in her body. Gripping her twin swords tightly, she focused her icy gaze on her foe.

“You will pay for Nelaeryn’s life,” Vy vowed, her voice laced with vengeance.

Without warning, Vy charged forward with unimaginable speed, nearly becoming a black shadow as her swords flashed through the air. Each slash targeted the weak points in the Death Knight’s armor, and she surrounded him like a tornado of death.

Despite his great strength, the Death Knight struggled to keep pace with Vy’s speed and skill. His great sword attempted to block her relentless assault, but Vy was too quick. The sound of metal clashing rang out as her swords struck the Death Knight’s armor, sending sparks flying with each impact.

Driven by rage, Vy launched her finishing blow. In a single fluid motion, she spun in the air and plunged both swords into the Death Knight’s helmet. A loud thud resonated as the black helmet cracked in several places, revealing the undead face beneath. The Death Knight growled, for the first time realizing his opponent was a genuine threat.

With all her might, Vy leapt back, creating distance before charging in again with full force. Her swords glowed with a terrifying black aura, drawing energy from the surroundings. 

“This is for Nelaeryn!” she shouted, bringing her swords together in midair to form a final strike. The attack was like lightning a black flash enveloped Vy’s twin blades. With one powerful slash, she struck the Death Knight’s chest, generating an explosion of energy that shattered the ground around them. The Death Knight staggered back, black blood dripping from his wound.

But despite his injuries, the Death Knight was not yet defeated. His eyes gleamed with hatred beneath his shattered helmet. He swung his sword in anger, but Vy was ready. With an acrobatic leap, she dodged the counterattack and struck again, slashing the Death Knight’s arm nearly to the ground.

The Death Knight fell to his knees, finally acknowledging Vy’s power, if not verbally. The wounds on his body were too deep, even for an undead being as powerful as he. But before Vy could finish him off, he cast one final dark spell, summoning the power of the underworld.

“I will return,” he growled hatefully, before his body exploded into a cloud of black smoke that dissipated with the wind.

Vy stood atop the ruins, panting and shaking. Anfalen rushed to her side, eyes filled with gratitude and sorrow. But the victory felt bittersweet Nelaeryn was gone, and though they had defeated the Death Knight, the weight of loss was heavy.

Meanwhile, Loren, Howard, and Anne arrived at the temple atop the mountain, confronted by a horrific sight: a badly wounded Chimera, blood staining the sacred ground, and Zharok smiling triumphantly despite his apparent exhaustion. His glowing red eyes were now fixed on their arrival.

“Perfect timing,” Zharok said, his voice dripping with malice, rekindling his ambition and fighting spirit. Loren felt the malevolent energy pulsing around them, intensifying with the arrival of the undead army Zharok had summoned.

Loren gripped the Sacred Relic sword tightly, determination gleaming in his eyes. No longer the doubtful man he once was, he stood as a warrior, ready to face his enemy. The legendary sword's aura radiated power, causing Zharok to furrow his brows momentarily.

“Anne, can you heal the Chimera?” Loren asked firmly, his gaze unwavering on Zharok.

“Howard and I will handle Zharok.” he continue

Anne glanced at the badly wounded Chimera, its two-headed form barely moving, each head resting heavily on the ground. The once-vibrant scales, which had shone like heated bronze, were now dulled and stained with blood. Its eyes, usually fierce and wise, flickered weakly, filled with pain.

“I can do it, but it will take time.” She replied hesitantly, her heart racing at the thought of healing such a majestic creature. 

“Very well, I leave the Chimera to you,” Loren said without hesitation. 

Taking a deep breath, Anne knelt beside the Chimera and gently set her harp on her lap. The instrument, crafted from polished wood and adorned with intricate carvings of nature, seemed to resonate with the sorrowful energy in the air. She closed her eyes, tuning herself to the magical vibrations that pulsed from the harp, letting its calming presence wash over her. Anne began to play a soothing melody. The notes floated delicately through the air, weaving a tapestry of sound that echoed the heartbeat of the world around her. Each pluck of the strings resonated with gentle power, creating an aura of peace that enveloped the Chimera.

Howard stood beside Loren, nodding with resolve. They both understood this would be one of the toughest battles of their lives, but they had no choice. Zharok had to be stopped.

Loren stared at Zharok with blazing eyes, filled with unyielding determination. With the legendary sword in his hand and Howard by his side, he was ready to end Zharok's atrocities, no matter the cost.

“Are you ready, Howard?” Loren asked.

“Always ready, my friend. Let’s end this.” Howard nodded, his eyes mirroring Loren's conviction. 

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