The southern mountain region, known as the "Heavenly Mountains," was a breathtaking sight. Towering peaks seemed to float above the clouds, their snow-covered summits glistening in the sunlight. Thick white mist hung over deep valleys, while a cool breeze rustled through the boulders and steep cliffs. Hidden behind mossy stone walls, ancient shelters lay undisturbed, and swift rivers flowed gracefully through the valleys, adding to the area’s beauty. 

The Dragonians, who inhabited this serene landscape, lived in harmony with their surroundings, uninterested in holy combat only in maintaining the balance of their land. 

However, this tranquility was shattered by the looming presence of an undead army led by the Death Knights and Zharok, a cruel and merciless necromancer. Countless corpses, moving with stiff motions, filled the steep slopes of the mountains, creating a bleak and terrifying sight. They were relentless, advancing with a singular goal: to seize the crystal hidden in the sacred place of the dragon gods.

Zharok, his long black coat billowing behind him, wore a face twisted with anger and greed as he arrived before a magnificent dragon temple. This temple, crafted from massive stones adorned with ancient dragon symbols, emanated a sacred aura. A golden light shone from within, indicating the presence of something powerful and ancient the crystal they sought.

As Zharok approached, the great gates of the temple slowly swung open, revealing the Chimera, the temple’s loyal guardian. The Chimera was a two-headed dragon, one head breathing red flames while the other exhaled icy cold air. Its scales gleamed like heated bronze, and its eyes held both wisdom and menace.

Zharok glared at the Chimera with contempt. 

“Where di you hide the crystal?” he demanded, his voice laced with anger. When the Chimera remained silent, standing as a formidable barrier before the temple, Zharok spat.

“You foolish dragon.” He raised his hand, dark magic gathering in his palm. The undead army behind him waited eagerly for his command, poised to charge.

The epic battle commenced.

Zharok hurled a massive ball of dark energy at the Chimera, but the guardian dragon swiftly dodged. With a roar that reverberated through the earth, the fiery head unleashed a torrent of flames, igniting the ground around Zharok. Although he shielded himself with magic, the searing heat penetrated the barrier.

Simultaneously, the Chimera’s ice head exhaled a frosty breath, conjuring a mini-blizzard that engulfed the advancing undead army. Those corpses struck by the ice instantly froze, their fragile bodies shattering into countless pieces. Yet, despite the destruction, the relentless undead continued to press forward.

Zharok quickly cast another spell, summoning giant hands from the ground that lunged to seize the Chimera’s feet. However, the two-headed dragon remained unfazed. With extraordinary strength, it tore free from the dark grasp and soared into the air, its massive wings beating powerfully.

From its elevated position, the Chimera unleashed its full might. The fire head launched a swirling torrent of flames, while the ice head sent forth sharp icicles at lightning speed toward Zharok. Each attack forced the necromancer further on the defensive, sweat glistening on his brow.

At a critical moment, Zharok produced a forbidden artifact: the Orb of Decay, a dark sphere capable of paralyzing an opponent's magic power. He tossed it into the air, and the orb radiated dark energy, enveloping the Chimera and slowly draining its magical essence. The Chimera began to struggle; its fire breath weakened, and its ice breath lost its potency.

“This time, no one can stop us.” Zharok smirked, sensing victory. 

Yet, the Chimera still had one last card to play. With a fearsome roar, its two heads combined their powers, conjuring a violent elemental storm of fire and ice. The tempest hurtled toward Zharok, obliterating the undead in its path and threatening the necromancer himself.

In a moment of quick thinking, Zharok summoned all his strength to create a massive shield of darkness. The elemental storm crashed into the shield, generating a colossal explosion that shook the entire mountain range. Boulders tumbled from the cliffs, and the ground around the temple quaked violently.

When the dust settled, the Chimera lay panting, weakened after expending its ultimate attack. Zharok stood amidst the wreckage, wounded but still alive, chuckling despite his exhaustion.

“This fight might take longer than I thought,” he muttered, beckoning the remaining undead troops to prepare for the next round.

The atmosphere around the dragon temple fell silent, interrupted only by the soft rustling of the wind weaving through the ruins. The Chimera, battered and bruised, regarded Zharok with weary eyes. Meanwhile, Zharok struggled for breath, his strength nearly depleted. Amidst the chaos, three figures emerged, moving stealthily through the shadows: Vy, Anfalen, and Nelaeryn.

They slipped between the rubble, their eyes fixed on a crystal radiating powerful magical energy within the dragon temple. It was one of the seven shards sought by all races in the holy battle. Vy, the strongest assassin, led the way, her keen eyes assessing the situation. Nelaeryn, bow drawn and ready, followed closely, while Anfalen, although nervous, remained resolute.

“This is our chance,” Vy whispered coldly. 

“Zharok is too weak to fight, and the Chimera is vulnerable. We take the crystal and leave before the undead army finds us.”

They approached the temple with the speed and precision of hunters, their footsteps soundless. Just as they were about to reach the crystal, something large and dark leaped from the shadows of the ruins.



The Death Knight.

Draped in black armor that gleamed in the crystal's light, the Death Knight the warlord of the undead race stood in their path. His greatsword, enveloped in dark energy, shimmered menacingly as he drew it from its sheath. His hollow eyes, like endless abysses, surveyed the three elves with cruel intent. He had anticipated their move from the beginning.

“No one takes this crystal except by Zharok’s will,” the Death Knight growled, his voice booming like thunder.

Without hesitation, Vy sprang into action, leaping toward the Death Knight with her twin swords. Her strikes were lightning fast, sharp, and deadly. Yet, the Death Knight effortlessly parried her blows with his greatsword, the clash of their weapons sparking with intensity. Meanwhile, Nelaeryn unleashed a flurry of arrows, aiming for the gaps in the undead knight's armor.

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