After recovering in Heilen Village, Loren, Howard, and Anne had no time to rest. A rumbling sound from the ground shook the village, and the large shadows of ogres began to loom in the distance. They came quickly, their red eyes burning with anger as they searched for the newly detected crystal.

Loren, who had just begun to understand his powers, felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through him. The legendary sword in his hand felt lighter now, as if he had become one with the magical power within it, yet a knot of anxiety tightened in his stomach. This was his first real battle, and he could sense the weight of their lives resting on his shoulders.

Howard, on full alert, began to cast a spell to create a protective barrier around the village. The air crackled with energy, heightening the tension. Meanwhile, Anne took out her prized harp. Her slender fingers strummed the strings nimbly, producing a soft melody that enveloped them in healing power, but Loren could feel the impending doom looming.

"The ogres are stronger than I thought," Howard murmured, his gaze fixed on the approaching enemy. 

"Loren, you must be careful. They are unlike any enemies we have faced before."

“I know,” Loren replied, his voice barely above a whisper, the nervousness palpable on his face.

The battle broke out with a deafening roar as the ogres charged forward, smashing through trees and sending debris flying. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and Loren felt the earth quake in rhythm with the thunderous footsteps of the approaching horde. A primal instinct kicked in, and Loren jumped into the fray, heart racing.

With a cry, Loren swung his sword. 

“Blade Fury!” 

Each slash felt like a weighty decision, every movement a gamble with fate. He aimed for the thick skin of the nearest ogre, but the creature retaliated with a brutal swing of its massive club. Loren barely dodged, the air whooshing past him as the weapon struck the ground with a bone shaking thud.

“Stay focused, Loren! We can’t let them overwhelm us!” Howard’s voice cut through the chaos, urging him on. 

As Loren danced between the ogres, the legendary sword felt more alive with every blow he struck. He felt the rush of power and the fear of failing his friends intertwining, urging him to fight harder. 

“You won’t take our home!” he shouted, channeling his fear into determination.

Each ogre he faced seemed fiercer than the last, their red eyes glinting with malice as they barreled toward him. Loren's heart pounded in his chest, and he could feel the pressure building around him. With every swing of his sword, he risked everything, the threat of defeat hanging over him like a dark cloud.

Howard was not far behind, casting protective spells as he shouted encouragement. 

“Loren! I’m covering you! Just keep moving!” His magic shimmered in the air, forming a barrier that shielded them from the ogres' relentless assaults.

With a strong synergy between them, they fought back with everything they had. But just as Loren began to find his rhythm, an ogre loomed before him, towering and unfazed. Its massive fist swung down toward him, and Loren's instincts kicked in. He rolled to the side just in time, feeling the rush of air as the ogre's blow smashed into the ground, sending shards of earth flying.

Gritting his teeth, Loren countered, slicing through the ogre’s arm with a determined shout. The creature howled in pain, its red eyes wide with shock, but Loren's heart raced. Each victory felt hard-earned, yet he could see more ogres advancing, unfazed by their fallen comrades.

“The ogres have been defeated; five races remain!” The system announced.

Finally, the battle subsided, and the ground of Heilen Village was littered with the bodies of the ogres, who were no longer moving. Loren stood among the chaos, panting heavily, sweat dripping down his brow. The taste of victory was bittersweet; he was beginning to understand his power more deeply, but the fear of what was to come loomed larger.

“We made it this time, but I feel like this isn’t over yet.” Anne placed her harp on her lap, her expression a mix of relief and concern. 

“Yes, the ogres were just the beginning. The location of the crystal has been discovered by the other races, and they certainly won’t remain silent.” Howard nodded, his voice heavy with foreboding. 

“This battle isn’t over yet. I sense a greater enemy is coming.” Loren gazed out at the horizon, the tension still palpable in the air. 

In the midst of their victory, someone was watching them from afar. Vy, an assassin from the Elf race, stood in the shadows of the trees, her sharp eyes tracking Loren’s every move. She had observed the entire battle with a calm demeanor, yet her heart raced with anticipation.

Vy was one of the most feared assassins of the Elf race, and she hadn’t come just to watch. She had a mission: to finish off anyone who tried to claim the first crystal. However, after witnessing Loren’s strength, Vy knew she had to be cautious. He was not an opponent to be underestimated.

“That kid is interesting,” Vy said to herself, revealing a small smile. 

“I want to see how strong he really is.”

However, Vy was not reckless. She decided to wait for the right moment. With her skills as an assassin, she could move undetected, biding her time for a perfect opportunity to launch a deadly attack. Loren, Howard, and Anne were completely unaware that they were being watched by an enemy far more dangerous than the ogres.

After confirming that the ogres were completely defeated, Howard looked toward the center of the village. 

“The first crystal should be here somewhere,” he said.

Loren walked among the ruins of the village, trying to sense something unusual. Suddenly, he felt a strange vibration in the ground, and from beneath the surface, a soft light began to emerge. A bright blue crystal slowly rose to the surface, emanating a strong and mysterious power.

“This is it,” Loren said as he approached the crystal. He felt an incredible power within it, but there was also something that frightened him. 

"Be careful, Loren. The power of this crystal is not something to be taken lightly." Howard warned, 

"Not that easily, young man." Before Loren could touch the crystal, a cold voice emerged from the shadows. 

The three of them turned, and there, stepping out of the darkness, was Vy, moving with calm, proud steps. Her thin sword glinted in the moonlight. 

"This crystal belongs to the Elven race. And I will not let you take it."

"That's... a famous assassin of the Elven race!" Anne gasped in surprise. 

"Be careful, Loren. She is very dangerous." Howard raised his wand, ready to protect Loren and Anne. 

Loren stood his ground, gripping his sword tighter. Although he sensed Vy's power was different from that of his previous enemies, he knew this was an unavoidable fight.

"If you want this crystal, you must fight me first" Loren said firmly, 

"That is what I expect." Vy smiled coldly, swinging her dagger quickly. 

The fight began. Vy moved with incredible speed, disappearing and reappearing around Loren, Howard, and Anne in barely perceptible movements. Loren struggled to predict her movements, but Vy was too fast.

Anne quickly played her harp, producing notes that infused Loren with courage and strength. Meanwhile, Howard utilized his best defensive magic, trying to protect them from Vy's deadly attacks.

The fight against Vy would not be easy, but Loren understood one thing: if they could not defeat this assassin, the first crystal would fall into the hands of the elves, and their future in this holy war would become even bleaker.

Suddenly, heavy footsteps echoed from the direction of the forest. From the shadows of the trees, two figures emerged: Nelaeryn and Anfalen, the two elves who had previously avoided fighting Loren. They now stood by Vy's side, ready to assist the assassin.

"We cannot let you face them alone," said Nelaeryn, the elven archer who had attacked Loren. 

"This fight is too important." Anfalen, the elf summoner, had already begun casting a spell. 

“This time, we won’t let you escape.”

“Loren, they’re coming to fight alongside Vy. This is going to be tough.” Howard watched their approach warily. 

Instantly, Nelaeryn released an arrow aimed at Loren. However, this time, Loren was better prepared. With a swift movement, he blocked the arrow with his sword, but the attacks continued. Vy seized the opportunity, launching a surprise attack from behind, but Howard quickly protected Loren with his magical shield.

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