5. War

Two days ago, Gavin, Kiana, and Euginia had moved into Robert's home. The middle-aged man welcomed the trio with joy. Robert had also hired two doctors, specifically to take care of Euginia and Kiana.

Tonight they ate together. There was warmth between them even though Euginia was silent and occasionally she would stare at the people around her. However, they didn't mind. 

Gavin smiled when he saw Robert gazing longingly at his mother. Gavin knew very well that Robert and Euginia's relationship was not going well. Euginia, who chose to go with Caesar even without Robert's blessing, made him angry and reluctant to see Euginia. Although Euginia has tried to make their relationship better, it is very difficult.

Now Gavin knows that Robert actually loves Euginia. It's just that the disappointment still hasn't died out.

"If it hadn't been for that bastard Caesar a long time ago, I would've taken my daughter from that damned place," Robert cursed. He looked at Gavin with a meaningful smile. "Thank you for being a son of a bitch."

Kiana's laughter broke out, while Gavin just made a sour face. His grandfather was really annoying. Even so, only Robert was always there for Gavin. As proof, he was willing to help Gavin and leave his dark world as a drug dealer. 

"So, what are your plans for tonight?" Robert asked.

They were both in the living room watching television. Euginia and Kiana had gone to their rooms first. 

"We'll leave at ten in the evening."

"Are you sure Lucas will be there?" Robert asked hesitantly. He knew what Lucas was like. Even though he was in his sixth year, the man was very clever and cunning. He was very good at disguises to trick people.

Gavin smiled faintly. He'd been trying hard so far. Every night he was in constant communication with several people, including Jeffry and Soraya. The three of them had been working on plans and tactics for the attack. Gavin was confident that this mission would succeed.

"I'll show you something." Robert put out his cigar. He rose to his feet and led Gavin to his secret room.

They both entered the library. Robert pressed a button near a shelf. Instantly the shelf shifted to the left side. Gavin was amazed when he entered the room. There were so many firearms and ammunition. Gavin's eyes narrowed. He walked closer to a firearm in a glass case. It was very small, but it had its own charm.

"U445, the name of that firearm. I invented it when I was twenty-five years old. It has a special ammunition that is infused with poison." Robert picked up his favorite weapon. He fingered it carefully.

"When firing at an opponent, this weapon does not make a sound. When the bullet successfully enters the opponent's body, within seconds the poison will spread and make the opponent die," Robert continued. His gaze shifted to Gavin. "Here. I give my precious life companion to my cursed grandson."

Gavin accepted it. He gave a faint smile. Robert was the most annoying grandfather ever, but he was always reliable.

"You should go back."

Gavin gasped as Robert hugged him. "I will definitely come back because I owe you too much. Before me, grandfather should have died first."

"You cursed grandson!"


At one in the morning, they began their mission. Surrounding the abandoned building where the Eagle clan was hiding. It was located on the outskirts of the city near the forest. The building was a former cigarette factory. It's a bit far from residential areas, but four-wheel drive vehicles can still get in.

Tonight Gavin only brought about sixty troops divided into four teams. The east is led by Soraya, the west by Jeffry, the south by Gavin, and the north by George - a former army special forces leader. He is Robert's best friend.

No police officers were involved in this mission. Gavin wanted to punish Lucas with his own hands, not the law.

Gavin took out a gun and loaded it with ammunition. Gavin had to complete this mission. If he succeeded, Gavin would not be mistaken. He then gave orders through the microphone.

Gunshots began to ring out. This was the first time Gavin had gone down against the enemy. It turned out that the shooting and martial arts training he had been practicing was useful too. Gavin stepped forward slowly, shooting the enemy to the ground. However, two members were killed.

"Throw grenades!" Gavin ordered. They all threw grenades at the building. There were several people who fell down and died horribly.

Eventually Gavin and his teammates made it into the building. They knocked out the remaining opponents.

"Soraya, don't you feel weird?" asked Gavin when he and Soraya met. They were on the second floor of what Gavin predicted to be the Eagle clan's gathering place. Gavin broke down the door. He was too late to avoid the enemy's attack, so his shoulder was hit.

"It turns out you're pretty smart too." Soraya pulled the trigger of the gun quickly when the man was about to strike back again.

"So?" Soraya turned around. They faced each other and stared meaningfully. Gavin and Soraya quickly ran outside. Gavin also ordered his troops to run. They had been set up. Someone must have leaked this ambush to the Eagle clan. The enemies came down from the trees. There were also those who were still loyal to the tree while shooting. Apparently they had been watching their opponent's performance.

"Damn it!" Gavin cursed as his troops were surrounded by the Eagle clan. They were all shooting at each other.

Gavin hid in a building pillar with Jeffry. The situation was getting more chaotic especially since many of Gavin's side lost their lives. Gavin's gaze sharpened when he saw Louis flashing a mocking smile. The man held his thumbs down as if mocking Gavin.

"Why is it like this?" hissed Gavin. He aimed the gun at the enemy and pulled the trigger. His aim was successful. Just as he was about to shoot Louis, the shot went off and only hit the man's right hand, knocking Louis' gun away. If only U445 hadn't run out of ammunition, Louis would have been dead this very second.

"I don't know either," Jeffry said as he endured the pain in his right leg that had been shot. He whimpered slightly as his foot bumped into something.

"Soraya!" called Gavin to Soraya who was more than ten meters away from him. Now her condition was very chaotic.

Soraya nodded her head. She shot something upwards. It made a red flash appear in the darkness of the night. Not long after, the gunshot echoed even louder than before.

"What is this?" asked Jeffry.

Gavin just smiled and resumed his mission. This was the plan B that he and Soraya had devised before the twelve hours leading up to the ambush.

The opponent was defeated. Some of the survivors were taken hostage and gathered in the hall of the building. They looked battered. Blood dripped from their gunshot wounds. Resigned, that was all they could do at the moment.

"Where's Lucas?" asked Gavin. He pointed his gun at Louis, Lucas' confidant.

Louis gave Gavin a sharp look. He chuckled and spat right into Gavin's face.

"Damn it!"

Gavin landed a punch to Louis' temple. "Where's Lucas?"

"He's not here. If you want to know who's behind everything your mom and sister caused. Then you're wasting your time coming here, because ...." Louis smiled mockingly. "We won't open our mouths until we die!"

Gavin loaded the gun with bullets. He shot them one by one. Leaving only Louis who would be taken prisoner by him. Gavin would torture Louis until he decided to end his own life.

Jeffry grimaced at the whole thing. He didn't expect Gavin to be so scary. Jeffry only knew that Gavin was a business genius, but who would have thought he could turn this vicious.

"Gather their bodies here, then burn them!" Gavin ordered before he left while dragging the helpless Louis.

"I'll make sure that you're destroyed in no time!"

Gavin did not respond. He continued to drag Louis roughly. Before those people destroyed Gavin, he would destroy them first. There was no brotherhood between them, only competition for the successor seat. Only Gavin had never been obsessed. However, now he would destroy the Alexavier family.

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