Chapter Fifty-Seven
"Goodness! Martins what happened to your face?" Madam Felicia shivered, caressing her son's bruised face as soon as he stepped into the living room.

"Answer me, did you hit your face somewhere or did someone hit you? Why do you look so horrible?" Madam Felicia agitated seriously, as she signaled the servants to bring the first aid box.

"It's - it's Jamal," Martins grunted and his mother's eyes widened in dismay and annoyance.

"Jamal? What did he do?" She swallowed hard, trying not to get ahead of herself.

"He overheard my discussion with you and started punching me." Martins faced his mother. "For some reason, I was so scared as he looked fearless and scary," Martins added, shaking his head.

"That stinky pumpkin slapped my son, no not that, punched my son!" She questioned in anger. "He has the guts! The momentum! I will deal with him, personally." She said confidently with a loud voice.

"Mum, we have to be careful as he warned us seriously that he will deal with anyone that obstructs h
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