Chapter Five

Even before the fat receptionist came to wake him, Jamal had already left the motel room. He arrived at the bank so early that even the bank wasn’t fully open to accept customers.

“Good morning, Miss.” He greeted the female banker at the counter but she ignored him, concentrating more on the handsome-looking man that was behind him. The same thing happened with the next cashier lady, he was harshly treated until he decided to check back in the customer care service desk.

There was no queue other than customers having their account officers manage their cases, so he decided to try his luck with one of the customer care ladies.

“Good morning Miss.” He greeted politely. The lady gave him a long look before sighing and narrowing her eyes back to her keyboard.

“What was that for?” He thought inwardly, clenching his fist in anger. He tried to control himself since it was something he was used to.

“Miss, please can you attend to me? I have been standing here since God knows when.” He cried out seriously and the lady looked at him again.

“How can I help you? Are you here to request a student loan or bother me with some missing 50-dollar bill?” The customer care lady fired him harshly and he shook his head.

“No, I’m not here for that. I want you to help me check my account balance and if possible, make a withdrawal for me.” He explained to her rashly since she looked impatient.

“Look here, young man. You can withdraw at the counter or try somewhere else. Don’t mess up with me.” She rolled her eyes away from him. Judging by his outfit, he wasn’t the kind of client she wanted to attend to in the morning.

“What do you mean? Are you not here to serve customers? It’s not like I’m an animal or something.” He queried her grumpily.

“Fine!” The customer care lady reluctantly agreed to help him. “Give me your account number and don’t waste my time.” She requested curtly.

Jamal who already came prepared quickly passed his account number to her on a small sheet. She gave it a dirty look and hesitantly pressed the digit on her system.

After a while, he noticed her eyes started glinting in shock and her face developed a warm smile. He saw how she constantly looked at him and inputted the digits over and over again.

He swallowed hard on nothing.

“Miss, is there any problem?” He cleared his throat, staring at her intently.

“Not really.” She suddenly stood up and approached him with a smile. “Customers like you aren’t supposed to stand, how about you sit while I serve you coffee?” The customer service lady suggested, but he refused because he couldn’t understand how she changed like a chameleon in a few seconds.

“You haven't told me how much is in my account or if I can initiate a withdrawal.” He reminded her.

“Oh right, you have 1,000,005 million dollars in your account, sir. I will transfer you to the manager to proceed with your withdrawal.” She said courteously, looking like a new person. He ignored her attitude.

“1,000,005 million dollars? So, this is not a dream.” He exclaimed with a loud voice, forgetting he was in public.

The customer care lady went ahead to bring his coffee but as she was about to give it to him, someone snatched it away from her.

“Oh? Isn’t this the 125.6-dollar guy?” It was Samson and his fling, whom Jamal was familiar with. The trio chuckled.

“Why are you attending to him with such respect and even giving him coffee? Are you blind?” Samson asked the customer care lady curtly and she shook her head.

“In as much as client details are confidential, he isn't what you think. This man has money.” The customer care lady informed him seriously.

“Has money? The one he stole or borrowed from people?” Samson raised a brow and the lady beside him laughed.

“Mr. Jamal, come with me to my office. Right now.” The bank manager’s strict voice disrupted their conversation. Jamal looked scared as he followed the man.

What if the money sent to his account was illegal? What if it was a mistake alert? He had so many thoughts as he walked behind the man, the courage he was slowly building crumbled in seconds.

“I told you! He is either a thief or being chased by loan sharks. Don’t be deceived.” Samson warned the customer care lady.

“I regret calling him ‘sir’. How can a thief like him con me?” The customer care lady scolded herself for her ignorance.

“Besides, he might be here for a student loan. Don’t give him. He is a thief.” Samson said seriously and the lady nodded, he walked away to proceed with his own business.

“I don’t have control over loans but I will make sure he doesn’t get any from us.” The customer care lady grinned in annoyance as she started dealing with other clients.

“Mr. Jamal, is this money yours?” The bank manager asked him.

There was a long silence before he responded.

“If it’s not mind, what’s it doing in my account?” He questioned rhetorically because that was the only way to divert the question.

“Someone dirty like you even have the right to question me.” The manager shook his head in disbelief. “Put your thumb in that point and keep shut.” The banker ordered arrogantly and he played his part. The fingerprint machine started scanning.

The man’s eyes were pervading confusion and shock, he asked Jamal to continue the process three times until he gave up.

“Please - -, what’s your connection with the Jackie-Ville?” The manager asked out of anxiety.

“I’m his grandson.” For the first time, he agreed to accept his identity even if he wasn’t comfortable with it yet.

“Can I initiate a withdrawal now?” That was the most important thing for him. The money wasn’t real while lying in his account until he could feel it.

“Yes sir. Yes sir.” The manager sprang from his seat and started bowing to him. “Sir, how about I prepare coffee while your cash is being withdrawn?” The manager asked courteously.

Jamal gave him a long look. “Truly the saying is real, with money, everything in the world goes round.” He mumbled to himself.

“What did you say?” The manager raised a brow.

“Nothing.” He paused. “But quit the act and give me my money. I’m not here for this.” He said seriously and left the manager’s office. He wasn’t comfortable with the fact that they classed each customer in the bank and attended to them politely based on their account worth.

“Hey, you 125.6 dollars bill guy. Are you excited to have deceived me?” The customer care lady called out to him rudely as she approached him with wide steps. The manager waved at her, trying to stop her but she was too swollen by her role.

“Forget it, Amos. He is just some poor schoolboy asking for a student loan. Hope you have reversed the money you stole to the owners?” She raised a mocking brow, staring at him seriously.

“Is this really how you act? I thought you were nice to me earlier.” He figured, curling his lips.

“Yes, I was foolish to believe you were rich until I found out you're nothing but a church rat thief!” She yelled at the top of her voice until the manager stepped in and whispered something in her ear. While she suddenly fell shut and took in what she had just heard, the manager apologized to Jamal.

“I’m really sorry sir, please forgive her.” The manager said.

“Is this how you people operate the bank? Downgrading someone because of their account balance?” He shook his head in disbelief. “At this rate, someone might be oppressed or depressed because of your attitude towards them.” He informed them vividly.

“I’m so - - I’m so sorry, sir.” The customer care lady lowered her face to the ground. No one told her to apologize because she knew the mess she was in.

“No need for an apology because someone else might be a victim again.” He took a deep exhale. “Tell the boss that I said she should be fired before 24 hours.” He said seriously and left the bank.

“Yes sir.” The manager bowed courteously while his fellow bank officials wondered who was the mysterious man that just left.

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